

more posts to go......

I just got home from the mall... (i dragged my mom with me, so it's okay that I went shopping even though I'm grounded.)

I haven't got the heart to tell her that Haydern's down with that brent's sickle cell anaemia..it's brent's right? if it's not, then I must've misread it. Anyway, it's beta-thalassaemia major that he's got. I'm sure all of you know that by now, but for the benefits of the newer readers, thanks for bearing with all that..

I haven't had the heart to tell her about his condition coz she'll probably start worrying.. about me. not him. Honestly, she said she couldn't be really bothered with what goes on with my love life. Although the boys i date have to be decently dressed, no crazy stuff and all that. (she means she wants a momma's boy) Her best friend's daughter though, is the reason why she'd worry about me. It's all because of that stupid bitch! ugh.. making things difficult for me. Not that I have any connections with her, except that HER boyfriend's 2 times older than her and HE's sick with chronic asthma... he's weak as hell and guess what? he's her teacher... jeez... you just heard the "fairytale" romance of the "teacher-student" love relationship. That stupid girl, she yelled at her own mother in front of her useless boyfriend (he makes her work for the money even though he's a professor) and even disowned her own family. She took a flight over to china to start a life there. end story.

My case.. is so much similar to her's such that my boyfriend's sick with sickle cell anaemia and he's all the way in sydney. If I even so much as tell my mom about his condition, can you imagine how she'd freak and ban me from dating him? "he's a sick fella, why stay with him?" *heart breaks and shatters* ugggggh.... this is so depressing..! I wanna stay with him coz i love him... heh.. i can practically hear her ask me the next few questions.. "what would you know about love? you're too young!" oh puh-lease! she was just telling me I was old enough to get married out already. jeez!

uuuggggghhh... enough of all that. I'm staying next to him and with him.. coz he means lots to me.. i can't even start to tell you when he first started meaning the world to me!!

Anyway, shopping shopping shopping... i bought two pairs of jeans... at $19 each (what a bargain!) and then a green racer-back tee... whahaha... that alone was $14.. the cashier rang up $52.. then i dragged mom up to M.A.D to get a new pair of sandals for me... my current ones are well-worn out! hahaha... and it's only a year old.. >__<

All in all, I spent $62 tonight.. >__< so much money... haiz...oh well.. *heart breaks* my pockets are empty now.. have to save up for so much more stuff again.. i still need more tops though.. heh heh heh... ;)

Oh, I just had a sudden thought, just wanna put it here... just trusting those gut instincts of mine..

Should you realise that I don't post for more than 4 days on blogger, you'll know something's wrong. So what you do, is to send me a text message to my phone to ask what's up. if i reply you, then i'm fine, if i don't reply, then you know, you'll have to call me up or something... hahaha... it'll be obvious by then that i'm either dead or something's dreadfully wrong..
That's coz I always reply my messages.. if it's phone calls with numbers that I do not recognise and it's a missed call, i'll never call back, okay?

That said..

I just found out that I've got a bruise on my arm. Dunno how that got there, but it sure hurts loads.. I've been bruising alot lately, and most of the time I don't know how the bruises get there... i do know about the bruise on my knuckle though.. haha.. that one was caused by the dry ice. it froze my skin!

hmm... who shall I introduce to you tonight? I don't remember introducing my boyfriend to y'all, right?

okay, everyone, meet Fabio.

That's his actual name, he just added in Haydern recently into his birth certificate coz that's the name his grandfather wanted him to be called after. He's been using that name ever since his grandpa passed away.

Haydern... in a frigging nutshell, is a mega all-rounder.. literally.
He excels in anything he does.. in his academics, sports, music, human interaction... everything!! even in poetry too.. well, he's getting better at the poetry section..
He's good looking, that's for sure, he's an avid sporty guy.. jogs quite a lot, does tennis, break-dancing, blades, skates, wake-boards, i think he'll give a shot at learning how to surf too, since he's in australia..
He's like a human magnet.. really..not only does he makes the girls in his school drool, he makes old ladies' hearts melt by carrying their grocery bags and walking them to their homes. (he did that for this old lady he calls Grandma Grace) and he plays with the kids in the hospital practically everyday if he can help it.. he's great with his friends, and he's just so likeable and lovable.. haha.. i fell in love with him coz.. well, he's the only person who knows how to cheer me up at my most depressive of moods with just a few simple words...no one else knows how to do that..i mean, they do say the same words, but they do it at the wrong time, or at the wrong tone...and when i'm happy, and need someone to share my joy with, he's always there to listen to me ramble on and on about it like some babbling idiot.. haha, that sweet gesture that he always does, always makes me smile whenever i think of him.. =)

well, he's too good to be true, isn't he? on the plus side, he's a level-headed thrifty guy.. knows how to get all the good bargains and all that.. hahaha.. mind you, he's superly rich. I've never known a person who lives in a house like his. haha.. i won't bother with trying to describe his huge palace to you.. it's just amazingly gorgeous and wonderful!

hmm... well, that's my boyfriend as what any one would see him as...
tomorrow, when I get back from my course orientation in the campus, I'll tell you what makes him so special to me.. ;)

okay, I gotta go sleep now.. my mom's nagging. haha.. good night and toodles!

P.S: heh... just talking about that fella brings me smiles already! ^__^