

yeah, i'm back from the living lands of the dead. well, not quite anyways. I'm just lazing about, telling my younger brother to finish up his homework.. and watching my cat go wild over one stupid plastic bag. HAH!

Khai, thanks.. really, for the encouragement.. haha.. Guess I forgot what's it like to hold on like how I used to back in the good old days of secondary school life, huh? *sighs* I think I got overwhelmed by all this shit that i've been going through all this while.. ;) no worries, I get over it soon, I guess.

Anyways, woke up about 2 hours ago..talking to my aunt over MSN now.. i don't really like chatting to relatives nowadays.. they're so fucking nosy... asking me about stupid things.. "starting school yet?" hello? you've been asking me that one stupid question over 20 times already?! and NOTHING in the family changes... so you can quit asking about my family every damn time... and.. I DON'T WANNA KNOW ABOUT HONGKONG'S NATIONAL DAY!!!! ugh, ferget it.

Was talking to michelle just now.. she's at lunch now....
chelle... don't feel so upset all the time, ya? hahaha.... well, I guess even though you always say you love the gloom, it's coz you've got all the happiness you've got.. it's always the opposite of things that one loves best.

SO a new life starts for me this july 5th...new friends and all that.. jeez... don't know if i'm ready for it not.. i need new clothes for school.. i bet mom wouldn't buy ANYTHING for me...

Oh, I got grounded today.. coz I came home a little later than the other nights yesterday.. she never told me what my 'limits' were.. I was merely testing them.. 1.10am too bad? geez! gary comes home at like 3.30 in the mornings and she doesn't give him a single damn fuck about it. What's it with the biasness? dammit..

last night was so unsatisfying. I didn't get a drop of alcohol, and my mom's pissed at me. dad? he IGNORES me all the time. well, hey? guess what? I've got a dysfunctional family. I just hate them so much sometimes.

I'm tired of every damn thing too.. tired of this, tired of my life, tired of haydern being such a stubborn mule, tired of my family, tired of everything.

Haydern, you wanted to know what being a burden is? My life is being a fucked-up burden to ME. Thought you could relief and save me from it. Guess I thought wrong when you started all that bullshit of you being a burden huh? You're not making things any easier for anyone, you included. *shrugs* takes two to play any game. We're game on. one on one. I will win this game..