
I have been deprived... again..

of sleep.. of so many things..
Mood: =/

See.. a human can NEVER be satisfied no matter what.

Actually, I was satisfied just a week ago. SOOOO satisfied with my life, my own world.. but then things just change, and everything's pretty much crashing about me.

Well, at least I'd have a double reason to drink at debbie's birthday party this friday.
1) to celebrate her turning 18, and..
2) to drink off my problems, and..
3) i just wanna get drunk. Again.

I hate hangovers, really. Sorry Per, last night's "I love hangovers"... that was just a half-lie.. Usually I wouldn't lie, but I just love saying 'I love hangovers'.. well, it was a part of the truth anyway. The reason I gave per why I loved hangovers, was the ability to shut everyone up (including my parents) in a nasty way and they'd actually obey me.

Other than that, I'll just hibernate.. just like what Per does. But unlike her, I don't have my boyfriend to come over to my place to nurse me, coz he's being such a jackass, Per says she'll wring his THING if she comes to know that it's all just some bad, sick joke.

Well, it's better than him being dead anyway..

Anyway, meeting michelle at noon by downtown east later.. and then, well.. we'll see what happens... i'm just so upset right now... and I still have to put up that happy facade.. heh heh.. oh well!

will update later then..
