
The Thursday Threesomes..

This week in The Thursday Threesome:

Flaneur \flah-NUR\, noun:

Onesome: One who strolls- How do you primarily get from place to place? Do you walk locally and only drive for distances? Ride your bike around campus or the neighborhood? Or hop in the car to run errands?
Well, if it's only a kilometre away, then I walk, if it's more than a kilometre away, then i'll take a bus.. yup.. or the train..But i still prefer walking if I can help it.. :P

Twosome: about aimlessly; When you have time, do you like to do things outdoors like hike or take long walks? Do you wander rather aimlessly or do you have a destination in mind and the sooner you get there the better?
YES.. i love to walk about aimlessly.. but if I have a designation to get to, I'll rather get there the sooner the better..

Threesome: a lounger; a loafer. Or do you prefer to spend your spare time relaxing, lounging on the couch with a good book or a TV program? Or, since the football season is upon us again, do you plop down in the recliner and cheer on your favorite team?
I'd rather spend it relaxing and sleeping.. I haven't been getting enough sleep anyways.... I've been deprived of my precious beauty sleep.. *sobs*