
midnight rendez-vous!

with mah computer and I
Mood: very much awake

My mom's sick, so I'll have to bring her to the doc's tomorrow, that's if Dad doesn't bring her. She got up twice to take some pipa-gau.. and some hot water just to sooth her throat.. poor mom.

Anyway, Blazin' Squad rox!! okay, not really, but anyway, yeah.. hahas..

it's 3.06am.. very awake.
Can't sleep. And no one's online to talk to me... so sad.
So, I've decided to blog YET another entry.

Anyway, I've been getting sooo many deja-vu's as of late.. really reminded me of my past that I've been trying to put aside desperately for the past 2 or 3 years...
Like my sudden liking for british rap again.. staying up late, blogging so much.. (yea, all these were past habits that I used to have. it came back just again harder more than ever) I know that 'blogging so much' point seems rather mundane, coz I'm always blogging.. but previously, I had other blogs, they consisted like having an average of blogging 5 times a day and all that. serious. I don't bother with who reads my blog previously. Now, it's back to like 3-4 entries if I should overdo it. I don't like doing this all over again.

It scares me alot.

So much reminising over the past 2 months. It's very very scary. Not a good thing to go through. As you will know, I keep alot of things well hidden from everyone, sometimes people may think I lie my way around everything if I keep hiding things from others.

Hahs.. well, truth is this: I just don't speak out what I want to keep in. Simple as that. Stuff that I don't wanna speak out about, I just chuck it at a corner till I'm alone, then my mind starts wandering about and everything gets 'woken' up.. yeah.. hahas.. sounds weird, right?

but anyway, allison, you were asking how I perfected the skill of speaking british english when I'm constantly lah-ing, lor-ing and leh-ing.. (with all the kaoz and wah piangs, kan nee nah, pua peh chao cb, and all that) heh.. british rap. Just listen to british rap long enough. And you'll get it. ;)

Oh, I'll let it in on you guys.. but I'm sure majority of my friends will know about it.. I come from a family of gangsters. :D
Grand uncle Richard's a loan shark.
Great Grand uncle botak's a tyco-gambler and gang chief. (his bod's full of tattoos and he's OOOOOLLLLDD)
Grand aunt (richard's wife')'s a loan shark too, mahjong queen, super tai tai with all the gold rings, and lookin' super hip by the day. (she used to look like a sweet japanese girl)
Anyway, whole of mom's side are gangsters, gamblers, drinkers, whatnots.. I can bet you grandUncle Rich still goes clubbing at his old age.. he's supposedly like.. 54 this year? yeah.. I guess so.. he looks 36. SERIOUS!

But anyway, being in a family of hokkien gangsters, obviously my hokkien's supposed to be good right? hahas.. wrong. it sucks big time. I only know how to curse and swear a little intsy bitsy weeny bit. *grin*

We'll have to thank gram's for that.. hee.. and Aunt Alice too.. dammit, that lady curses like there's no tomorrow. I like it when she does that "Puah pak ji!!" thing, i ain't got a clue what it means, but yeah, it sounds rough.. hahs...

Anyway, not that I like cursing.. it's just in my blood to curse like some cave woman sometimes..Okay, for now, let me tell you a really serious, but lame theory.

The theory of the jam-on-bread, and the cat.

It is proven, that at most times, when you throw a cat out of the window, it will ALWAYS end up landing on its 4 paws, totally unharmed whatsoever.
A scientist doing R&D tested this out, and it worked.

Soon, this scientist heard that whenever a person dropped a piece of toast with jam on one side, the toast would ALWAYS end up landing on the ground, jam-side first. So, he tested it out, and voila! it worked!!!

So, with that, the scientist thought up of a theory: If jam on toast fell jam-side first, and cats landed on their backs, wouldn't it mean that if we tied the toast to the cat, the cat and toast won't EVER EVER EVER touch the floor when it reaches the ground level at all? It would only mean theoretically that the cat with the toast (with jam spreaded on it) will just keep on spinning!!

Soon after, this favourite scientist of ours, came up with the best solution ever.
That is, in order for the government to save money, they should research on his idea of tying the bread with the jam-side facing up to the cat's back. And put it on the monorail, where the wheels are supposedly supposed to be.

But after a few tries, he found out that "oh dear, the bread keeps flying off the feline's back when it spins too fast!!" so, he decided.. to spread the jam on the cat's back itself..

And this time, it worked!! The cat kept spinning in those bally circles. But they freaked out by spinning so much, that recently, people were wondering why the monorails sound like they were screeching away.. *miaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuwwwwwwww*


Moral of the story: Whenever you hear a monorail that screeches like a cat, you'll know who's bright idea it is..
But we SHOULD follow this scientist's lead and Dare to Dream of the best solutions for the better good of men. (no matter how lame your dream may be..)

heh.. don't you just hate it when I make such a mundane matter sound too serious? ;P

well, i'm finally exhausted.
So, I'm gonna head to bed...

Toodles now..
be good, k? =P