
ooh la la....

I have a new favourite song..
Mood: *evil giggle*

It's by finnish singer O-Zone..Song is called Dragostea Din Tei (aka) Mia-hii [or something to that extent]. Bwhahahahahs.. Unfortunately, it's another one of those disco beats.. so para-para, really.. okay, maybe not para-para... but it's so ah-beng techno.. hahas...

I don't think the ah-bengs in s'pore will ever listen to this anyway.. it's so foreign to them.. hahas.. Jon sent the song to me, like, I dunno... 3 days ago..
was too busy enjoying it.. heh heh heh..

But I stil think my all time favourite "Song from a Secret Garden" by The Secret Garden is really good.. :) I don't mind buying that album down. Last I saw, it was $25 at Carrefour.. yeah.. hahas.. But that was in.. like, August? hahas.. yeah..

Hmmm... well, let me see..
oooh... freaking hell!! Soek Hui does the MOST shocking things sometimes..
she told me she'd NEVER ever ever ever EVER wear a skirt unless it's needed to (like for formal presentations).... and just the past 2 weeks, she wore like... SKIRTS and HEELS and dressed up sooo much.. whah... surprise shocker man.... that girl is full of stuff sometimes. hahas..
The stuff a girl would do for her boyfriend, huh? From tomboy to girl girl.. that's one new thing happening in class.. ;)

Truth be told, I haven't touched my books at all.. I should be fucking worried, and yes, I am fucking hell worried. Stupid anxiety shit. well, I'll go do math today, and chemistry tomorrow. heh.. frigging hell.. so gonna fail calculus.. haiz..
Although I always ace in functions, get 50% for integration and I hardly pass parametrics.. :( I can't understand parametrics one bit. well, perhaps it's just drawing graphs all over again that makes me hate that stupid topic so much. Have to bring like that freaking curve ruler again.. so Secondary school.. bah.

Okay okay, I know I've been whinning and complaining alot. hehs..
So yeah, shall fill you in on some stuff.. crappy stuff, as usual.. maybe you'll see the light of it.

As usual, my two best friends and I went camera crazy, so I've got new pictures again! bwhahas.. Shall go shopping with debra when she next goes to KL... she knows where to get all the good stuff...bwhahas..

I need to cut my hair.. dunno how short I shall cut my hair.. hmmm.. perhaps I'll keep it long? or maybe burn it off then have this punky funky new hair do which would prolly make me look sillier than ever. *pauses*


okay, that's it. I'm gonna keep it long. Hope to keep it as long as Elicia's.. or Jo's... or carissa's... yeah.. their hair... fucking fucking long.. goodness..
oh and I'm gonna dye my hair again... hmmm... hahas..
so many things to do..

I think I'll go concentrate on my studies first..

I've been slacking too much..
shall do the Fabio method. cut off the handphone, turn off the radio, turn off the laptop, and sit down and do my work. yes. good going.. hahas..

Toodles now! wish me luck peoples!
and be good!