
*smiles with her teeth all shown*

i told mom I don't need braces
Mood: bored, freaking out

well, mom asked if I needed braces for my teeth just so that it'll be perfect..
but the fact that only ONE tooth is SLIGHTLY out of place.. I told her, "save your money, I don't have to be model perfect" hahahas.. well, if she wants me to have nice teeth, I don't mind having my teeth bleached you know.. hahahs.. Yeah, there's a little abit of a stained crack on my two front teeth..

Sometimes I feel so blessed, at other times, I feel neglected.. what a crazy world I'm living in, leading a life with just a simple purpose: To be the best that I can be, without aiming for much. I mean, it's nice to have big goals and huge ambitions, own my own company, a restaurant/cafe/bar thingy.. yesh, one day I'll have that shop set up.. but, without the funds, it's very much obvious that I can't start on anything, but that's alright.

I'll make it one day, somehow, I will make it.


easy to say yah... let's see if I can do it not.. Over the hols I'll read up on starting my own restaurant thing.. hahs.. ;) see if I'm really up to it or not.. it'll be cool to run my own business.. I'll give dad a job too: Financer. Gary: in-house manager. bwhahahs.. Me: boss.


Fuckin' hell. It'll be so frigging hilarious. :D
Nah... I'll prolly co-own it with Gary.. But I'll be the dominant boss around.. Don't care about him, he's half insane anyway.

So many things I feel like doing.. now it's whether I have the guts to do it or not.. hahas..

Hmmm... I told dad I wanna go for my driving lessons straight after my exams, he grinned and readily complied. *does a victory cheer*

Oh, you know, I'd been freaking out in the library this morning. Freaking really badly.. The year 2 seniors can definitely vouch for that. ;) right, gimmy, weisheng?
Hahs.. In their attempt and mine (really weak and futile for my case) to get something studied, I had started this routined "I'm gonna dieeee... heeeelppp... save meeeeeehhh...." thing 45 minutes into study session. And it went on every 5-10 minutes.. The year 2's were kinda shocked at my freaking out, truth be told.. hahas..

Moral of the story: NEVER ever try studying with me 4 hours before the exams. You'll end up wanting to wring the life out of my neck. (point taken? drag me out for constant study sessions, so you'll be used to it by the time you reach 4 hours before exams)

Anyway, I was rather surprised that the librarians didn't come by to tell me to shut the fucking hell up.. I swear I was disturbing the tensed peace in there.. bwhahas.. I'm so bad.

Oh yeah, something really interesting happened today too.. ;)
I didn't know how to do this fill-in-the-blank question. Well, truth is, I KNEW how to do it, I just needed some assurance to it. So, I decided to approach my ever lovely seniors.

Qn: With regards to mass spectrometry (MS), each compound has a unique ____________ which can be identified via computer-aided matching with a database of such spectra.

Ans: Molecular Weight.

You know what? My dearest seniors were all so cute.. they had a mini conference and a small debate in the library over MALDI, MS, and 2D-PAGE.. hahahahs.. oh man... so funny.. I had to wait 30 minutes just for my answer to be confirmed!!!
hahahhas!!! They were going on about MALDI being in MS, what MS really was, and how 2D-PAGE was involved in it.. bwhahahahhas.. oh man... so cute, the lot of them...

They made me put this big smile on my face as I left the library later.. :) They certainly cheered my day up loads.

Amanda's laptop went nuts... hahas.. joey was telling me she got her computer to go insane with her as well "Like master like computer" hahahs... how true, joey, how true indeed...

Was chatting with YiLin just now.. she had on her nick "I'm seriously turning into a nerd and it's all your fault!" hahas.. I told her, "If you're turning into a nerd, I'm a slave to my school.." bwhahas..

Oh, I just realised that I've turned my language settings to the International settings... so Ï càn typè lïké thís nòw!! hahahs.. okay, so weird.. and time consuming.

But that means I can finally practice TYPING out french... bwhahahs.. those taking french, sorry if I make you puke due to language, grammer and conjugation errors. I really don't mean them, k? ;P

Anyway, yeah... back to studying Physical Chemistry for me....
I do hope this is a long enough entry for y'all.. I know I don't blog much the past few entries.. I just don't find the need to blog long entries now... hahas... so yeah, this ends here for tonight.

Take care, peeps.

Toodles.. ;)

and please, do behave!