
Lesseee.... we shall murder the.. FOXES!!!

YESH!!! kill the foxies... 'em cute lil' furry things..
Mood: amused

So yeah, Amanda should be really happy now.. Her brother, Lionel is home for the while. From what I've got through Joey, Lionel's being posted back here for the time being..
And her old friend, Sarah's back in da house too.. :) i'm happy for you, lyns! make sure you stay happy k?

Really bored from studying SDS-PAGE, 2D-GE, microarrays and all that.. To think that next year, I'll have to do sonications too..

Oh yeah.. Deyolking is over for the time being.. weiping's project's done already.. but, next year, another batch of students will be in for this, heading us freshies again.. Not sure if Proteomics is what I wanna do.. coz this whole zebrafish project is frigging hell headed in the Proteomics department.
I only know I enjoy deyolking a hell lot.. I miss doing it.. Haven't done deyolking in a month.. or at least it feels like a month.

Tuesday, I'm prolly gonna play golf.. finally, I'm starting myself out on the course.. hopefully I'll fair well enough. But knowing me, I'll prolly play over 100 again.. heh.. yes, I'm THAT lousy. The last time I played, I was still well over 90.. I was like 92, 93.. really bad...

Nevermind, I shall train hard and try to hit my dream target: 85..

Hmm... Tomorrow will be monday. I'm going to Esplanade to study with Junius tomorrow.. He's gonna give me his microbio textbook, and teach me chemistry.. bwhahas.. he's so good... hahs..

My back injury is back again.. =( oh well, still gonna play golf anyway.. hee..

Oh, here's this week's UM.

Unconscious Mutterings:

Blackout:: just the other night about 2 months ago..
Platinum:: the platinum card my dad has..
Leather and lace:: leather-cow skin, lace-things that make my skin itch. I hate it.
Court:: law
Mind your own business:: MYOB
Gambling:: Dai dee!!!
Lily:: flower
Evasive:: avoidable
Turn-on:: to switch something on.
Suspect:: er... dont look at me!

heh, yes, I do realise I sound frigging lame... heh.. *shrugs*
SDS-PAGE: Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate PolyAcrylamice Gel Electrophoresis....

Gawd, that was long, but at least I've memorised what SDS-PAGE stands for... hahas.. :)

Okay, back to my studying... bah.. hate it hate it hate it...

going mad here...
bah... humbug.. =(