
weekly shit only

here's our weekly shit.. a little on the late side...
Mood: tired

The Thursday Threesomes!:

Onesome: Christmas-- Is it Thanksgiving? ...or just the day before the start of the "Christmas Season"? (...and how are you supposed to shop if you're all stuffed with food?) Hey, is anyone going out tomorrow to save tons of money standing in endless lines with 10,000 of your closest friends? Just curious...

Heh.. sorz... I'm not one to actually celebrate christmas... my parents don't believe in christmas.. now, isn't that just so sad? >_< T.T

Twosome: Bells-- Okay, we'll give in and admit that maybe the season has started: what decorations are you looking forward to seeing in the next few days? ...the lights in the downtown? How about knowing you'll soon have a tree with that memorable ornament? The Toys for Tots drop off? What makes you comfortable knowing the Christmas season is really here?
When they finally allow the electricity currents to run through the whole of Orchard Rd, and when you see the waiters and waitresses donning those cute santa-caps.. ;)

Threesome: are Ringing-- ...in your ears? What song are you just dreading to hear this season? Come on, the one that just makes you scrunch up inside and want to duck into an iron foundry so you can't hear it? Weird Al? Something from "The Nutcracker"? Those dogs? I mean come on, there's some bad stuff out there ...
hmmm.. try Jingle bells. Was forced to sing it when I didn't like it one bit..

Friday's Feast:

How much money do you plan to spend this upcoming holiday season?
none.. hahs.. i have no money..

What was the last television show you watched, and was it good?
I watched.. ER. it was a repeat telecast thing.. but boy, was it GOOD!!! :)

If you had to paint the walls of your living room tomorrow, what color would you choose?
A pale bluish grey colour... coz it's soothing to look at.. and it mellows or brings up your mood, depending on how you feel.. it's a really comforting colour, in any case.

Main Course
Name something clever or practical you have thought of that should be invented, but hasn't yet.
OOOoooooh... hahs.. just so you can invent it and take credit for it? :S hmmmm... I think not!!! but you could try.. perhaps.. a mobile phone that actually can store up to like 10Gb of memory of any kind?

List 3 things you would like to receive as gifts this holiday season.
I want:
1) A new wallet or pencil case
2) spending money
3) more time that comes with a stable and amusing job

Unconscious Mutterings:

Limited time only :: hoaxes to make you do stuff
Voluptuous :: so NOT sexy.
Nutritionist :: F&N
Belt :: things that makes sure your pants don't fall off
Star crossed :: *_* there!
Snakeskin :: shedding skin
Athlete’s foot :: oh, eww..
Boom :: there she blows... there she blows again.. in your face and then, you don't have your mercedes benz, oh it's a pity that we can't do it again..... there she blows....
Freezer :: geezer. what? it seemed in the moment!?
Store hours :: are 24 hours, 7 days a week.