
Weekly shits...

yet another week..
Mood: just woke up..?

Let's start of with The Thursday Threesome:

::World Weary Traveler::

Onesome: World-- Okay, you've been here; you've been there. ...or maybe not. Is there someplace you think it would be cool to spend a holiday? Christmas in the Alps? St. Patrick's Day in Erie? Oh, sure, take the entire family if you'd like!
I wanna go to Mauritius.. I wanna go Christmas Island.. I wanna go everywhere!! but, I'd love to go to Mauritius.. :)

Twosome: Weary-- Have you ever had to deal with jet lag? How have you handled it? ...and which direction is worse for you, going East or going West? Just curious...
Yep.. I've handled jet lags.. they're nothing if you're feeling healthy. Coz I'm a late sleeper, so I've had it easy.. ;)

Threesome: Traveler-- When you've traveled, what conveyance has bothered you the most? That camel in Morocco? The train ride through the Rockies? Your brother-in-law's Dodge? What just set your nerves on edge?
The cockiness of other passengers. I just hate those. I'm okay with bad food and bad service, but the thought of having to travel with a bunch of attitude problem old hags, now that one, I really hate!

Friday's Feast:

Name 3 cosmetics/toiletries that you use on a daily basis.
Johnson's and Johnson's Daily facial black-pore cleanser.. Biore facial scrub.. and yeah, organics shampoo and conditioner? hehs..

Approximately how much exercise do you get per week, and what type of exercise is it (walking, running, swimming, etc.)?
eh... more like once in a fortnight? Golfing is my way to go!

Write a sentence including your favorite color and your favorite food.
I love maroon and I love to eat almost everything I've eaten in my life.

Main Course
What famous person/celebrity do you think you look like?
They told me "Shu Qi" and "Ashlee Simpson" (but it was only one pic in which I looked like her only due to my hairstyle)

Name 2 simple things that never fail to make you happy.
my mobile phone, and my laptop. 'nuff said.

UM isn't done yet.. unfortunately, but I'll it as an edits X'tra later on...
toodles for now..

off to chat with ANOTHER Ken.
Ikeda Kenshi. :)