

grrrrr.... *counts to 100*
Mood: =/

Well, I'd been in a VERY happy mood ever since completing my 8 rounds on the track!!!
*beams* so proud of myself.
But of course I ran like 2 rounds, and walked the rest???



but at least I made sure to complete all my 8 rounds..
I shall PERSERVERE!!! and complete like 3 rounds of non-stop running the next time I go jogging (next week, I fear).. uuughhh... hahahaha..


Anyhoots, I'm doing 6 years of catching up with Marcus.. :D
So far, we've covered more or less 3 years.. okay, not much.. but still, I've learnt many things about him, as him about me..

It's great fun chatting with him, and mom even gets curious about what I chat about with cousin dearest..
Name-calling still exsists in our vocabularies, apparently... *smirk*

Now that I've established with him that he's Lazy Ass and I'm Slacker, we're sticking to it. ;) (of course we call each other by our childhood names.. him being Marc, me being ange.. NO ONE else besides marcus or his older brother gets to call me that, you all hear me? if anyone of you [who isn't my cousins=marcus or gavin] uses 'ange' on me, i swear i'll never acknowledge you ever again. don't say i didn't warn you.)

yeap... I have issued a very stern warning. Failure to comply with it will be dealt with severe consequences. *nods cheerfully*


The dates just keep drawing nearer and nearer. good god. feb 12 is coming..
my presentation is coming closer as the days pass me by so quickly!

Thinking back... it's been a year.. A year ago, I'd been so free.. and mindlessly flirting about with then Fabio. yes? or did he change his name already? hmmmm.. I have seem to have forgotten my dates as well... >__<

Anyway, yeah.. so utterly, boringly free.. and anticipating my exam results to bloody hell get out already. Ever the impatient one, that's me alright! ^__^V

How quick a year has passed. =)
So many things have happened that I wish to put it behind me and get on with it, but I know it's hard to, seeing as how scarred I've been. hahahahaha...

So much I've talked to Marcus about.. things I never tell anyone else (unless they're debra or serica or eugene or yihan) just spewed out like some dirty drain water from my mouth (ew... horrid scene!).. hahahs.. but anyway, yeah..

So much for a dramatic paragraph..
It's been an extremely tough year for me.. how I managed to hold on to my own life, is entirely beyond me, seriously..

Coz I feel that, to go through a suffering is one thing.
But to watch your loved ones beat themselves about their sufferings that they're going through, has possibly killed my heart and soul..

But yet they don't realise how much it hurts to watch them helplessly with no words comforting enough to soothen their raw tender soul..

*is choking from all the drama already*

ahhhhh... enough of this sappy sob shit.
so gross, yet, too true.


Oh yeah, mich's birthday is coming up sometime next week... during CNY.. so cool.. I bet she'll get BIG thick wads of angbao's this year.. lucky girl...
yet, she still complains and grumbles about everything.. haiyooh..

haydern ah, if you're reading this, do go over to michelle's blog and say a hello, a happy birthday, a 'how are you doing?' and umm.. haiyah.. just say something to her k? hahaha.. she's been a very grumpy person coz you haven't said anything to her in a year... and she's been nagging non-stop... she's quite the nagger if she wants to.. hahaas..

*mega-grin* awwww.. dunch be embarassed sista dearest...!! je je loves ya too.. hahahahaha... :D


AHHHHH.... I'm bored. =(
not exactly done with my microbio.. but what the heck...
shall print it in school tomorrow.. then pass it up to mr new.. or kumaran.. or okay.. I'll just turn on the other computer and print it out laters.. before I sleep.

So freaking tired. but my mind's still reeling with thoughts.
Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts, thoughts and MORE THOUGHTS! ugh.

Dance class starts 6pm later.
I'm not exactly confident about it, but I'll give it a shot.

Marcus will be having a freakingly full day tomorrow. well, a VERY boring day too, I might add...
double math, double english and double ancient history.

that's just so sick...


Okay, I'm outta here. printer, here I come.
blaaardy hell.
*frustrated sigh*

Junius, you're forgiven.

Toodles! ;)