
Peisuan, peisuan...

See, peisuan pointed out a VERY important fact for me just a few moments ago..
that majority of people do not understand that all-girl-school girls (or those who had an education at such schools) treats EVERYONE equally. SO right now, I have to cater to the masses and stop trying to treat everyone equally... is that just about right? *frowns*

In any case, I should try to become a feminist.
peisuan just grossed the hell out of me about males. disgusting.
(you know, along the lines of 'old, greasy and filthy rich, garlic flavored breathed pilot' for a future husband when I'm all 50.. ew.)

Anyway, mabelline cancelled on me, so did serica. This just IRKS me, you know. You confirm with me and end up you cancel it. how wonderful.

I'm gonna go sulk and get my nyaa journals done.