
this is something...

Hey guys and girls, and oldies out there!

This is rather distracting to me.. lol i've got this great yellow bandage on my arm..
while that's rather normal, it's not for me, coz it's been on my arm for over 5 hours...

The whole scary thing to having it on for over 5 hours is that blood is still flowing out from that 2mm hole in my arm. IT'S SUPPOSED TO STOP BLEEDING AT 4 HOURS!!! like all other times, it's supposed to stop bleeding already! >__<

So yeah, I'm kinda worried about that, at the same time, not quite, coz I've got the bandage to put some kickass pressure on my arm, which is kinda hurting me now.. but like, it's only for my own good right?



anyway, I spent 2.30-5pm chatting with my buddies online.. then headed for gary's bed... lol (oops.. heh heh)
and woke up at 7.30pm for dinner.. ate mom's chicken rice (yeah, she cooked it specially for me even tho they had the same thing last night) and now i'm here. RIGHT after dinner... chatting with damien now..

hmmmmm.... so yeah...
actually that's about it for the moment.. there's nothing much to blog about nowadays... it's good i'm free tomorrow, coz Ms Eunice called peisuan up to ask if I could go down to school for that zebrafish fetilizer maintainance... i hope she still has enough trust on me to do it well.. lol

okay, i'm gonna go chat up a storm with the others...
see y'all around...
manda, just hang in there aight? quit feeling down and quit saying you ain't got strength. the more you do that, the more of a weakling you become, you understand that? i'm sure you don't wanna be termed a weakling....

anyway, toodles to all of ya...