
400 over posts!!!!

Mood: studious, once again

Thanks Joey, for the study tips.. :) i'll be sure to zoom in some more..

Going to debra's place in a bit.. love going to her place.. it's an entertainment paradize.. okay, maybe not much.. but the CDs.. VCDs.. big TVs, nice sofas.. and that cool wooden coffee table. (okay bra, quit gloating about it that your house is so cool.)

Anyway, yeah.. mom's pressurising me to...
1) study
2) become a 100% buddhist
3) study some more.

Well, she's gonna take the 5 precepts tomorrow, then she'll have to buy that cool robe (which I have been eyeing for since I was 8 but I never took the 5 precepts anyway) and yeah..
I only became a buddhist coz I thought the robe looked frigging cool. serious! it looks so antique. Makes you feel so philosophical and all that when one puts it on..

But anyway, try as I might, I don't think I'll be 100% buddhist anytime soon. I just don't like praying.. so troublesome.. c'mon, it's like 12 hours non-stop chanting on words I have no clue how to read?!!?
They use traditional chinese. And I don't like chinese. And they chant it faster than a rapper's motor mouth.

Okay, I just made buddhism sound frigging cool.


Oh man, I just hit another deja vu... :( ah fuck.
This is really getting me NO where. Makes me feel like January'04 all over again..
okay, I shall stay mute about this deja vu thing.

Anyway, mich.. yeah, I know it's an average of $24K at UNSW for a year. It's fucking hell expensive.
But... the medical bills.. my brother's spending sprees... um... mostly my brother's spending sprees.. and my going out like EVERY SINGLE DAY. yep.
and other expenses.. it leads up to $24K..

And are you POSITIVELY sure it's not your voice, michelle? coz i'm VERY sure it sounded very much like you, ya know...? *big evil grin* ;P

Shall get a concession pass for november and december.. coz I'll be travelling to and fro to Assisi practically everyday during which the next two months.

OH!! and I'm gonna join SCL debates society soon. J says he'll inform Ms Farah about it. And... hmm.. i'll be busy 23-24 December. Got an adventure camp goin' on on the 23rd, and some senior citizens' thingy that NYP is hosting on the day after..
Wonder if I can juggle my golf not.. shall make it a weekend thing, I guess..

Hmmmmmmm.... what else what else...
ACK! my inorganic chemistry. okay, don't freak, can't freak. and I mustn't allow myself to freak. shit. I'm freaking out.

bah. this is stupid.

I can't believe I'm talking to myself about some mundane matter about FREAKING OUT. okay, this has got to stop.

*takes deep breaths*

okay, not freaking out now.. hahs.. but I shall up my ass and go study in a bit.. hahas.. okay, not too bad.

Well.. um, yeah. hahs.. MICHELLE!! CHARMAINE!!! god I miss you two! :( nevermind.. soon we'll meet up, yeah?

debra's home. so, I'll catch up with you dudes and dudettes later...
Ken, throw the GRENADES properly k? I'll hear from you next sunday!

(shall TRY not to freak out here..)
pray for me peeps, I need good grades to go on to sem 2...

Toodles! ;)