
No assisi today!! [i'm dissing someone here, so read it]

so sad...
Mood: disappointed

Kinda put out that we couldn't go to Assisi today, coz there're a tad bit too many peeps going to help out today..
Called up Ms G this morning.. perhaps I shall call her friday mornings next time..

But anyway, PS and I will be going this coming Friday. hahs.. :) at least not too bad..
I skipped last week.. coz I was simply too busy last week..
I haven't played golf in such a loooong time.. :( I feel very much deprived..

Anyway, yeah.. hahs..
I'll have to get Charmaine to do up her blog again.. something's wrong with it..

This read more thing.. it's a tad bit annoying, I guess...
if it's seriously getting in your way, tell me aight? I'll just get rid of it and put this other one up.. hmmm...

Maybe I'll try something else.. hahs.. shall have to see if it works well with the scripts and all that.. :)

I shall be royally pleased if all goes well..
anyway, I wonder when will the day be, when I can finally go scouting for a home for myself.. hahs...
I'd want to stay somewhere really small and cozy.. just nice for myself.. maybe I'll just rent an apartment in town or something.. hahs..


OH!!! was talking to my team this morning.. Joash, Mizael and Jasrie.. they were telling me Kelvin was giving them a hard time again.. and was basically doing his usual thing of degrading people's morals and self-esteem just to feel great about himself so that he gets to brag at the same time.. Then, wanting to get some sympathy from them by talking about his own problems.

Like HELLO~!!!! Mr Ler, we all have our own problems too, and doesn't mean that you're VP, you have the rights to take it out on us juniors, okay? YOU'RE OLDER THAN US, GROW UP ALREADY. like what you've always told me, think of others. not about yourself.

so practice what you preach, kelvin.

Next, I think you're trying too hard on trying to get PALs to be united.
While half the time you try freaking too hard on uniting the club, you forget that the people whom you want to respect you are the peeps you're pushing way too hard. You should know better that as a president, you gotta sympathyse with your peeps FIRST before you can do anything.

That's what all leaders do (well, except you that is). Leaders UNDERSTAND their peeps first, before compromising and coming up with a solution plan. Obviously you've forgotten that the people you wanted to unite are the people you're demoralising. Hence, don't cry when you realise that all of us would rather join CJ's company rather than yours.

You want us to work with you, understand us, but before you even say another word to any of us about you being in our shoes before, think again. You're not us. And we're most definitely not you.

You continue to put up cold fronts and indifferences, that's your loss to us, you know? You'll slowly find that your best peeps will move away from you.. maybe you'll be lucky and be left with some slow bloomers, but till they find out about you, let's just say, it's your loss. Seriously YOUR loss. not ours.

We'll prolly really act on our joking words and just might want to overthrow you and what not... but we're KIND, we give CHANCES to let you PROVE your worth.

If this keeps up, I'm gonna get Joash and company to form a new committee alongside with CJ and ZhiYong, and with them as suitable leaders that we look up to, we'll have a more united PALs then you'd ever dream of!


That aside, I think I've spent a rather fine and lovely cold morning!

Taa~ for now! ;)