
Weekly shit...

as usual...
Mood: super bored...

I hope this week's shit is good.. hahas..

Thursday threesomes:

:: no one diets on thanksgiving ::

Onesome: No one- ...to talk to? Nah, who is it you look forward to seeing at one of the holidays just to be able to sit around and chat with? Sure, even someone you see during the rest of the year!
um... no one really.. maybe just my classmates.. PS!!! yes, she's someone whom I'd love to chat with day and night!!! :)

Twosome: diets- Have you ever tried one of the "fad" diets out there? Yes, I include Atkins in this category! How did it work for you? Would you do it again or try another one?
yes... hahas.. nope... it didn't work. and I didn't try anything else.. I just went with my own diet and it worked.. hahas.. don't try 'fad' diets, they don't work!

Threesome: on Thanksgiving- What's your favorite dish? Would you be happy just pigging out on turkey, or do you need all the fixings? Does the pumpkin pie make the meal or do you prefer Mom's green bean casserole?
I need all the fixings!! love the sauce and marination!! hmm... I love both. :)

Friday's feast:

What do you think is the perfect age to get married? To have a first child? To retire?
To get married: 23..
To have a first child: 24
To retire: when you think you're old enough. or when you have at least $4 million in your trust funds.

If you could change occupations tomorrow, what would you want to do for a living?
I wanna be a posh, rich and loaded slacking teen like those I see on TV.

What does the color green make you think of?
Forest, vomit, sea

Main Course
What is something that has happened to you over the last year that you didn't expect?
Getting a boyfriend was one.. heh.. then breaking up like 2 months later, now that's something i didn't expect.

How old were you when you had your first kiss?
um... when I was just born, from my mom.. heh heh heh.. not bad right? ;)

okay, imma outta here.