Mood: depressed
Char tried cheering me up just now, but I just didn't feel any happier..
I can't help it, so I'm gonna go on another complain spree.
You can choose to skip this entire entry coz it just might bore you to frigging bits.
Senario at home:
Me: "Mom, can you make sure I wake up at 7am tomorrow, so that I can be in school by 8 tomorrow morning?"
Mom: "
WHAT? you
SURE you can wake up anot? so early for you.."
Me: "Yes, 7am. My
EXAM starts at 8.30am. I have to be there early.."
Mom: "Let me think about whether your dad can send you to school anot. Your brother needs to be in camp at 8am too."
*thinks to myself: Oh, him again. that fucker.*
Me: "Nevermind, just wake me up. that's all I'm asking you to do. I'll make my own way to school."
*ignores me* "You need to be there at 8, so does your brother..."
*finally hears my last sentence* "No, you having exams, your brother can go by himself."
*the older brother doesn't say anything, in fact, he groans and grumbles*
*to my dad* "Dear, can you send girl to school tomorrow? she needs to be there at 8 o'clock for her exam."
Dad: "I can't be at two places at the same time you know!!?!?"
*grumbles a WHOLE fucking lot* "Why can't she just go by herself? I need to send Gary to camp.. then you ask me to send her to school at the same time.. how to do that? she go by herself lah!"
[OUCH. That HURT A LOT, Dad.]
Me: "I said
FORGET IT. I'll go to school by myself! You can just fetch kor to his camp and whatever. Just wake me up on time and I'll be on my own. I don't need transport to school if it's
THAT difficult."
*both parents shut up for 3 minutes*
(I could practically see mom agreeing to my words. But then she looked at me and then remembered the recent screaming session we had over how she and dad neglects me totally over that fucking brother of mine.)
*to the older brother* gary.. boy! mummy's talking to you! listen. Tomorrow you go to camp by yourself, your sister has exams at 8.30 tomorrow. Go sleep early."
*older brother gives mom an attitude look* AHHH.. WhatEVER lah.
Me: "honestly mom, just send him to camp if he wants dad to fetch him
SO much and just make sure I wake up. That's all I'm asking for. I can make my own way down to school by myself! I don't have to rely on dad to get to school."
*they all have nothing to say again*
REALLY! It's just so fucking obvious how biased my parents are!
Dad's been giving me the evil glare after dinner. (and that was before that particular conversation) Mom's okay with me. The older brother.. playing on his X-box the entire time he got home from Golf today. And when mom said he had to go to camp by himself coz of ME. He gives her attitude and all that.
LIKE WHAT FUCK? you can just FUCK OFF, Gary. Wanker.
That fucking wanker. I hate him.
From now on, he shall be known as the
And as for my exams. I just remembered I have that revision slides thingy Dr Xu published last week. So, revising through my notes based on it.
Doubt I'll get to sleep again tonight.
I fucking hate my life.
It's like back to basement
HELL again. Time to climb back up, if that's even possible this time around.
400 over posts!!!!
Mood: studious, once again
Thanks Joey, for the study tips.. :) i'll be sure to zoom in some more..
Going to debra's place in a bit.. love going to her place.. it's an entertainment paradize.. okay, maybe not much.. but the CDs.. VCDs.. big TVs, nice sofas.. and that cool wooden coffee table. (okay bra, quit gloating about it that your house is so cool.)
Anyway, yeah.. mom's pressurising me to...
1) study
2) become a 100% buddhist
3) study some more.
Well, she's gonna take the 5 precepts tomorrow, then she'll have to buy that cool robe (which I have been eyeing for since I was 8 but I never took the 5 precepts anyway) and yeah..
I only became a buddhist coz I thought the robe looked frigging cool. serious! it looks so antique. Makes you feel so philosophical and all that when one puts it on..
But anyway, try as I might, I don't think I'll be 100% buddhist anytime soon. I just don't like praying.. so troublesome.. c'mon, it's like 12 hours non-stop chanting on words I have no clue how to read?!!?
They use traditional chinese. And I don't like chinese. And they chant it faster than a rapper's motor mouth.
Okay, I just made buddhism sound frigging cool.
Oh man, I just hit another deja vu... :( ah fuck.
This is really getting me NO where.
Makes me feel like January'04 all over again..
okay, I shall stay mute about this deja vu thing.
Anyway, mich.. yeah, I know it's an average of $24K at UNSW for a year. It's fucking hell expensive.
But... the medical bills.. my brother's spending sprees... um... mostly my brother's spending sprees.. and my going out like
and other expenses.. it leads up to $24K..
And are you
POSITIVELY sure it's not your voice, michelle? coz i'm
VERY sure it sounded very much like you, ya know...?
*big evil grin* ;P
Shall get a concession pass for november and december.. coz I'll be travelling to and fro to Assisi practically everyday during which the next two months.
OH!! and I'm gonna join SCL debates society soon. J says he'll inform Ms Farah about it. And... hmm.. i'll be busy 23-24 December. Got an adventure camp goin' on on the 23rd, and some senior citizens' thingy that NYP is hosting on the day after..
Wonder if I can juggle my golf not.. shall make it a weekend thing, I guess..
Hmmmmmmm.... what else what else...
ACK! my inorganic chemistry. okay, don't freak, can't freak. and I mustn't allow myself to freak. shit. I'm freaking out.
bah. this is stupid.
I can't believe I'm talking to myself about some mundane matter about
FREAKING OUT. okay, this has got to stop.
*takes deep breaths*
okay, not freaking out now.. hahs.. but I shall up my ass and go study in a bit.. hahas.. okay, not too bad.
Well.. um, yeah. hahs.. MICHELLE!! CHARMAINE!!! god I miss you two! :( nevermind.. soon we'll meet up, yeah?
debra's home. so, I'll catch up with you dudes and dudettes later...
Ken, throw the GRENADES properly k? I'll hear from you next sunday!
(shall TRY not to freak out here..)
pray for me peeps, I need good grades to go on to sem 2...
Toodles! ;)
but I'll be studying.. haiz..
Mood: determined
Determined to get at least 5 topics in inorg done.
Fucking hell.
I mis-read that fucking timetable, thank god for great buddies like Juncheng. Or i'm fucking dead.
So, I'm slogging like shit now, trying to finish till like
Bonding 2. I'm only at
Stoichiometry. I'm determined to get this done. So tonight's entry shall be short.
I seriously am not sleeping tonight, as you can very well see that.
Had a good chat with Felix, my good close buddy since sec 2 till now... hahs.. thanks mate.. you're still the best..
Anyway, yeah.. hope you lot had fun at the club (to joey and gang)..
Ken, throw those blasted grenades properly.. ;) don't blow your legs away...
and dig yer 'grave' nicely.. ;)
Junie.. sorry couldn't promise you to sleep tonight.. I'll sleep when my father wakes up for golf at 5.30 later.. hee hee hee..
then i'll sleep till noon..
Or maybe i'll just sleep anyway after this..
this is good.
well, that's it for now. back to my notes.
not lovin' this one bit,
toodles. ;)
Singing BabyCakes.. all to myself...
that's a tad insane..
Mood: bored.. and yeah, just bored I guess..
Manda's going to
Hunter's Valley.. that place means quite alot to me... not because of the winery.. (okay, so it's got a little to do with the wine.
OKAY, ALOT to do with the wine!!)
But anyway.. yeah.. haiz.. don't wanna talk about it.
Enjoy your time while you're there, Amanda.. hope you have fun.
Suddenly I don't wanna talk about anything at all.
So, I'm gonna try study again.
But I gotta wait for that 10MB++ worth of a powerpoint presentation file to be downloaded for my studying purposes.
Had dinner just now.. it was.... okay.
Chatted with debra.. I'm going out to study with her on monday.. after her lounge duty.. it's a pity rica can't join us.. she doesn't even need to mug, for goodness sake.
Anyway, my PDA gives me a fucking attitude problem every 3 weeks. what's it got? PMS? frigging thing. never getting a HP Pocket PC ever again. Shall try Palm tops next time. Or maybe fujitsu's..
bah.. that's if I have enough money in the first place. Mom just told me that we just blew $24K on expenses within the last 2 months.
TWENTY FOUR FUCKING THOUSAND MOOLAHS. I'm fucking broke, as you can very well see.
I have to DIY my wardrobe now. Let's see how creative I can get, yeah? ;)
Next sem, I shall have 'new' clothes.. heh heh.
(like real.)
Shall try to curb that materialism in me. Yes, I admit, I can go branded if I wanted. But I gotta think of my younger brother's future, and the prospect of my future education too.. Truthfully speaking, I haven't shopped for clothes in ages. The last time I did, was at the beginning of the year. what did I get? 2 pairs of jeans and a shirt. yeah.. hahs.. from Giordano's.. coz mom told me we were tight on cash by then.. so I had to restraint from going down town to buy anything.. haiz...
Sometimes, it really sucks to feel strapped on spending money.
But I have to face it, so yeah.. hahas.. guess it isn't that bad after all, you know? but dammit.. did we spend so much in 2 months? 24K????? that's a hell fucking lot..
Then again, dad forces me to leave the main lights on at night, just in case gary gets a nightmare. And with Gary's in and out of hospital. The operation.. the IMH in-stay.. the medications, the treatments, the psychiatric sessions.. everything..
I'm tired of his actions. Just the other day, he went kinokuniya and came home with $50 worth of magazines. Maksim's, some golf mag.. dunno what shit.
I just.. I dunno. I wanna give it up... so tiring just being at home sometimes.
Does it always have to hurt this much?
This week's shitty things:
Thursday's Threesomes:
::Rolltop Desk::
Onesome: Roll-- On a roll lately? What have you been up to where things just keep falling into place (maybe you're a Red Sox fan)? Yeah, what's working (even if it's just the TV)?
What keeps falling into place? ummm... let's see... well, nothing much. I'm on good terms with all my friends, apparently. But still, nothing's right.
Twosome: Top-- Top of the world? What's the highest point you've ever been? No, the airliner doesn't count, I'm talking about standing somewhere . Have you made it to the roof? ...the Eiffel Tower? Mt. McKinley? How high is high for you?
I was on top of Mt. Titlis, on top of Charmonix.. on top of Eiffel Tower.. on top of some rotating tower in hongkong. on top of victoria's peak. on top of.. on top of my bed.. on top of the block. I live on the top floor of my block. 13 floors up. It ain't high enough. I want to be on top of god's shoulders and see what he sees in us humans.
Threesome: Desk-- Hey, what type of setup do you have for your computer work? Are you working from a laptop while sitting on the couch? ...or maybe you have a high tech workstation/hutch combo with mood lighting and soothing music? No? How about the kitchen table? Where do you post and work from?
I have three ways of working. One, I work from my desktop. It's a total work station, with a sub-woofer just beneath the table (it's L-shaped), complete with mah lovely little cool loud speakers, a printer and a scanner.. and yeah, my work.
Two, I work at the dining table. Where my school stuff is at. My laptop. My life starts there, I hope it doesn't end there.
Three, In school.. I just go to the computer labs, blog in from there, no chatting.
Oh, there's a fourth. I don't even work at all.
Friday's Feast:
They're on vaca. No game today. oh well..
whatever. :(
ooh la la....
I have a new favourite song..
Mood: *evil giggle*
It's by finnish singer
O-Zone..Song is called
Dragostea Din Tei (aka)
Mia-hii [or something to that extent]. Bwhahahahahs.. Unfortunately, it's another one of those disco beats.. so para-para, really.. okay, maybe not para-para... but it's so ah-beng techno.. hahas...
I don't think the ah-bengs in s'pore will ever listen to this anyway.. it's so foreign to them.. hahas.. Jon sent the song to me, like, I dunno... 3 days ago..
was too busy enjoying it.. heh heh heh..
But I stil think my all time favourite
"Song from a Secret Garden" by
The Secret Garden is really good.. :) I don't mind buying that album down. Last I saw, it was $25 at Carrefour.. yeah.. hahas.. But that was in.. like, August? hahas.. yeah..
Hmmm... well, let me see..
oooh... freaking hell!! Soek Hui does the
MOST shocking things sometimes..
she told me she'd
NEVER ever ever ever EVER wear a skirt unless it's needed to (like for formal presentations).... and just the past 2 weeks, she wore like...
SKIRTS and HEELS and dressed up sooo much.. whah... surprise shocker man.... that girl is full of stuff sometimes. hahas..
The stuff a girl would do for her boyfriend, huh? From tomboy to girl girl.. that's one new thing happening in class.. ;)
Truth be told, I haven't touched my books at all.. I should be fucking worried, and yes, I am fucking hell worried. Stupid anxiety shit. well, I'll go do math today, and chemistry tomorrow. heh.. frigging hell.. so gonna fail calculus.. haiz..
Although I always ace in functions, get 50% for integration and I hardly pass parametrics.. :( I can't understand parametrics one bit. well, perhaps it's just drawing graphs all over again that makes me hate that stupid topic so much. Have to bring like that freaking curve ruler again.. so Secondary school.. bah.
Okay okay, I know I've been whinning and complaining alot. hehs..
So yeah, shall fill you in on some stuff.. crappy stuff, as usual.. maybe you'll see the light of it.
As usual, my two best friends and I went camera crazy, so I've got new pictures again! bwhahas.. Shall go shopping with debra when she next goes to KL... she knows where to get all the good stuff...bwhahas..
I need to cut my hair.. dunno how short I shall cut my hair.. hmmm.. perhaps I'll keep it long? or maybe burn it off then have this punky funky new hair do which would prolly make me look sillier than ever.
okay, that's it. I'm gonna keep it long. Hope to keep it as long as Elicia's.. or Jo's... or carissa's... yeah.. their hair... fucking fucking long.. goodness..
oh and I'm gonna dye my hair again... hmmm... hahas..
so many things to do..
I think I'll go concentrate on my studies first..
I've been slacking too much..
shall do the Fabio method. cut off the handphone, turn off the radio, turn off the laptop, and sit down and do my work. yes. good going.. hahas..
Toodles now! wish me luck peoples!
and be good!
snuggle in the... dinosaurs?
bored bored bored bored bored
Mood: bored
I really feel like studying.. and perhaps I should.. right?
right, so I'll do abit of Calculus later.. bwahahahs.. not much of a fun subject, that's math for you..
Anyways, chatting with weisheng over MSN now..
okay, maybe not.. he just went offline to get back to his studying..
Maybe I'll go sleep soon.. see if I can tahan anot..hahs..
Hmm... think I'll ditch everyone and go shopping with Per.. hee hee hee...
I'll prolly end up going for some warehouse sale, buy like $300 worth of clothes (good enough to like, I dunno, change my entire wardrobe) then find out,
'shit.. I'm hardly gonna wear these clothes..' and end up wearing them anyway coz there's nothing else to wear.. hahahs..
Oh, well peeps, meet Per..
Perline on my list, actually.. ;) yep.. and if you can't get access to her blog..
it's http://amentia.pitas.com
yep yep.. it's rather funny, her blog.. funny.. as in like i dunno... it's just cute funny.. ahahs... :P
I met Perline at Mavis Tutorial Centre last year... you have no idea how much $$$ I blew last year on tuition fees... it's like $500+ a month? hahas.. I had triple math classes, physics, chinese.. yeah.. it was like
*drowns* crazy.. sooo crazy.. then came Perline into the secondary 3 Add math class..
(it was like sec 3 add math, sec 4 Add math, sec 5 Elementary Math) now, can you figure out how fucking stressed up I was? monday to thursday it's tuitions.. sunday, there's tuition.. friday school ends fucking late, saturday is my rest day, but my mom made me study anyway. yeah..
BUT anyway... about Per.. :) my lovely de-stresser.. yes, my stress buster girl friend.. she's like, lesbian, yeah? but she's got a thing for guys too, I'm thinking.. he must be like super rich, super good-looking.. and yeah.. and intelligent too.. just like haydern.. she wanted to be a maid in his house actually... hahs.. she hates talking to dumb people
(that's a st. nick's girl for you!) Per came across as
Bimbotic to me at first.. serious! She's always going
"I'm Princess of Bimboville!!!" previously.. and she'd always be drawing "
PeR. (:" on my math worksheets constantly. and this picture of a stick figure girl..
*shakes head* She aspires to be a FHM model.. really, she does.. hahas.. and I think one fine day, she'll end up being one too.. although she isn't there in terms of height, she's totally there in terms of figure and looks... really pretty, perline.. yeah.. hahs..
But man... is she
LOUD.. (what to do.. cheerleader leh) hehs.. so yah.. seating next to her was quite painful whenever she loves shouting in the middle of classes.. hahas..
Anyway, yeah.. hahs.. gonna save up like ALOT of money if I wanna go shopping with Per... she buys like lotsa stuff.. hahs.. I really wonder how havoc she'll get when she starts clubbing...
Hmm.. well, that's Per for you.. ;) she's cool.. i like her style.. hahs..
Oh, yeah.. met Ram (that tall big sized dude from 0401 who's got a really sensitive attitude) in school today.. I was on the phone with rica, telling her I'd be down in her school when I was done with lunch, when I saw him get out of the taxi with his mom and dad.. man... they looked elderly... honest!
I hope Ram's okay, seriously...
I mean.. he doesn't look really good the past few weeks in school.. it's obvious that he forces his smiles and
TRIES his hardest to be cheerful.. while it might just work like for a few days.. it'll not work for the months to come....
Poor guy..
Hmm.. okay, I think I better turn off the computer and get some sleep..
mom's gonna be up in 2 or 3 minutes screaming at me for staying up so late...
Day out!!!! (kill the polar bears!!!!)
with deb and ric...
Mood: crappy.. as in, um... okay,
cranky... aight?
bwhahahs.. okay, this is shit.. blogger won't let me go to my blog and
do up a post, so I'm blogging from gmail.com instead.
Yes, as in I'm blogging from my e-mail composer thingy...
anyways, yeah...
had such a HUGE dinner... went trying out clothes at Fox, went
crappin' from Marriott's to PS... heh.. yeah... talked and talked and
when I should be studying for my inorganic chemistry which is just
um, yeah.
But I clearly wasn't studying. shit, this is fucking baaaad....
But anyway, I will study tomorrow, provided no one disturbs me.
hmmm.... well, after crashing RP, I left at like 2pm.. went back to
Orchard via 132.. silly me.. but anyways, yeah.. stopped at
Plaza, and crossed over only to bump into
Nathalie and
Michelle.. they're both in sec 5 this year... Nathalie used to
be in the SC Ex-co... yup.. she just stepped down. And Michelle's a
school team swimmer.. Both will be taking their O's this year.. I
won't be surprised if Nat gets to JC next year.. ;) she's frigging
What else.. oh, it was frigging hell raining cats & dawgs over in
Orchard Road today... got absolutely drenched coz there wasn't much of
a sheltered walkway from the hotel next to Tangs, over to Tangs
itself... I decided to take the underground way via Marriott's.. if
not I'd be drenched all over...
was running abit of a temperature by the time I reached
Hmmm... so yeah, I'm having abit of a dizzy spell now.. hahas...
happens all the time whenever I walk in the rain..
Oh, we wanted to go play pool actually.. but it was crowded everywhere
in Orchard.. so we upped and out and gone down to
Fox at
Plaza Singapura.... ahahhas... went there trying out clothes...
I wanted to buy this $36 demin skirt, but it was a tad too short, so
decided not to buy it.. for fear that my mom would wring my life out
of my neck..
heh.. Let me tell you... next season's fashion will be allllll about demin... ;)
Coz I like demin, that's why!
So, you should all buy demin anyway!!!!
hahahs... rica, remember?
"purple will come into fashion" and
it did... and before that I told you it was red, see what's the
fashion now? it's red all over the place...
I still think Purple will come into fashion next...
But, demin will be coming in soon.. so I say... buy demin now, while
it's still reasonably-priced.. and of good quality...
so yeah... I'm gonna make mom get me a demin jacket one of these
coming days.. hahs.. That's if I can find a jacket to my liking..
Should have bought that demin jacket from Switzerland the last time I
saw it.... =S oh well... hahas... I have no fear... or worries.. I'll
get my demin jacket soon... hahas.. my new favourite material next to
seude... that's demin alright.. ;)
well, okay, I think I better get headed to the shower...
take a nice hot bath, then start on my inorg chem revisions....
I'm sooooooo gonna die for it...
Dr Xu's gonna slaughter me for this paper...
wish me luck on this paper, peeps...
Toodles now.....
till then, be good kiddos... ;P
i stole rica's lappy...
Mood: bwhahahs...
Not bad... went to school earlier on, met J, got the microA stuff from him...
good news classmates!! Most of us have A's and B's for our reports... there were a few C's....
heh.. then went down to orchard...
and then happen to bump into amanda.. apparently joey was in town too and wanted me to go have lunch with them, but yeah, was a little too late...
anyways, saw Vivian at
cineleisure's KFC.. whahahs... she looked like a guy, spoke malay, and was cursing in hokkien... O.o like what fuck?
heh... I bought a colonel burger and didn't know it came with a complementary drink... and it only cost me like... $1.75!!!!
SERIOUS!!! so yeah... had lunch there.. with amanda.. (it was her
SECOND lunch.. yes... she eats a loooooot....
hahahhhs... debra sms-ed me.. asked if I wanted to go watch movie with her later while waiting for rica... oh man, I reasoned with her that if we wanted to watch movie, by the time she arrived, we might as well just go MosBurger's to sit for a while and have a super super SUPER long lunch/tea break.. (knowing how long debra takes just to bathe and get ready to come out...)
heh.. so, no.. we decided it'll be better if I crashed Republic Polytechnic first.. then she gets out of the house and head down to RP herself later...
but chances are, she'd prolly just get herself LOST while just sitting in the bus...
so, here I am, in RP... disgusted at amanda's fourth finger.. (her and the yucky pus)
eurgh... thank god i had my lunch earlier on... well, if you can call that lunch...
hahas.. ok, so I gotta go now, rica needs to get her day's project done...
be good.
ooooh...just a quickie..
about Tanjong Puteri
Mood: bored..
well, if there are some of you who are interested in playing at the course that I used to play at...
It's Tanjong Puteri.. located at Pasir Gudang, Johor..
it's like right smack between the industrial estate, and the straits of Johor. yup...
about an hour's ride at 100-120 km/hr ride... maybe more than that if you're slower... not sure really.. I usually don't pay attention to how fast dad's friend's volk's wagon's golf-mini goes at.. but it's frigging good. I don't mind having that car for myself, truth be told.. it's fucking fast.. and I love the stereo.. although the aircon has abit of a problem after a while..
so yeah.. okay, so I shan't get that car.. hahs..
anyway, yeah, off I go then.. toodles once again.. ;)
Oh frigging gawds
what a day it's been
Mood: a little relaxed, a whole lot anxious
I know for sure, that I'll have to take the
supplementary papers for the chemistry component papers.. (physical and inorganic chemistry)
I think I flunked today's physical chem...
So much for going to school to study before hand...
Haiz..hee hee..
Sheralyn just left me a testimonial over Friendster's.. bwahhas...
Sheralyn: My new friend from
School of Design in NYP.. real cool.. hahs..
I don't know much about her, coz I haven't met her in the first place.. she found me through friendster's and wanted to join PALs too at first, but she was stuck in a studio project at that time when we had to forum.. so she's not in PALs anymore..
*sighs* so sad...
If there's a chance, I hope to rope her in to join PALs.. hahas.. :) next year perhaps?
Anyways, yeah.. went home with Ally and Zhongxi.. He wanted to go to the library, and he just had to drag ally along.. hahas..
poor ally.. I feel your sorrow for being stuck to a cockroach for like, the entire night.. tsk tsk tsk.. poor girl...
hee.. I can't wait for tomorrow!! will be going back to school to collect the microbio worksheets back from Mr J.. then studying out for a while and waiting for debra to call... then gonna crash
RP once again, this time for rica.. hahs.. then we're gonna go out..
maybe play pool.. or crap some more.. go window shopping.. in a shopping mood, but I ain't got the money...
Ally and PS wants me to buy same stuff as them.. rica and deb would prolly want the same too.. and not to forget amanda... oh man.. I better stop eating and start saving too.. let's see.. I have like what.. $6.80 left? today's lunch was rather expensive lah.. stupid lady gave me sub-standard rice (it was sticky, clumped up and tasted more like a
HARD, STARCHY RICE BALL rather than singly-grained rice.) okay, so I'm a fussy eater, but hey.. you know what? the
kang-kong she gave were too cooked, not enough sambal chilli on it.. and the bbq chicken pieces were too huge a piece..and I asked for
vegetable curry.. not
CHICKEN curry..
ughs.. and then
one can of soy bean milk (plus a cup of ice) was $1.00....
I'm thrifty, I admit that, but better to be thrifty than to spend like dad prints $50 notes for toilet paper, right? What if dad lost money in those market shares that he plays on a daily basis? I'd die... He's already lost enough money to buy a nice executive
HUGE HDB apartment in like, I don't know..
Punggol 21? (mind you, those flats there are so superb.. they're gorgeous inside, there's so much I can design on inside one flat.)
Anyway, you can get the river's view from Punggol 21.. makes you feel like you're waking up in Tarzan's home every morning.. (save for the fact that there's a highway running through the jungle.. yep.)
Oooooh.... Amanda just told me Joey's sick... so yeah, get well soon dude!
And amanda ah.. get some rest too you stubborn girl..
Alright, time to shower, then hit my books (literally or not, that's up to you to figure it out) then get some sleeeeeep..
*sighs* no golf for the weekend.. haiz....
*goes off to sob about her sad life of not playing golf for the weekend*
Toodles peeps..
and be good, stay healthy..
freaking out....
Mood: you say?
well, freaking out coz i studied NOTHING.
Just woke up actually.
Dunno who called at 9am.. hahas..
anyway, yeah, gonna study physical chem after this..
Terra's following the movement of the arrow.. hhas.. you know, the little mousey thingy... hahas.. yeah, I got her to pay attention to that, so she's so entranced by it now.. Yep, she's sitting on my lap now..
such cold weather...
Anyway, I think I better stop slacking.. I just realised the Phys. Chem main paper is worth 50% of the main mark. fuck. I'm dead meat... so frigging dead.
Okay, bye...
pray for me you guys..
Toodles! ;)
be good.
*smiles with her teeth all shown*
i told mom I don't need braces
Mood: bored, freaking out
well, mom asked if I needed
braces for my teeth just so that it'll be perfect..
but the fact that only
ONE tooth is
SLIGHTLY out of place.. I told her,
"save your money, I don't have to be model perfect" hahahas.. well, if she wants me to have nice teeth, I don't mind having my teeth bleached you know.. hahahs.. Yeah, there's a little abit of a stained crack on my two front teeth..
Sometimes I feel so blessed, at other times, I feel neglected.. what a crazy world I'm living in,
leading a life with just a simple purpose: To be the best that I can be, without aiming for much. I mean, it's nice to have big goals and huge ambitions, own my own company, a restaurant/cafe/bar thingy.. yesh, one day I'll have that shop set up.. but, without the funds, it's very much obvious that I can't start on anything, but that's alright.
I'll make it one day, somehow, I will make it.
easy to say yah... let's see if I can do it not.. Over the hols I'll read up on starting my own restaurant thing.. hahs.. ;) see if I'm really up to it or not.. it'll be cool to run my own business.. I'll give dad a job too: Financer. Gary: in-house manager. bwhahahs..
Me: boss.
Fuckin' hell. It'll be so frigging hilarious. :D
Nah... I'll prolly co-own it with Gary.. But I'll be the dominant boss around.. Don't care about him, he's half insane anyway.
So many things I feel like doing.. now it's whether I have the guts to do it or not.. hahas..
Hmmm... I told dad I wanna go for my driving lessons straight after my exams, he grinned and readily complied.
*does a victory cheer*
Oh, you know, I'd been freaking out in the library this morning. Freaking really badly.. The year 2 seniors can definitely vouch for that. ;) right, gimmy, weisheng?
Hahs.. In their attempt and mine (really weak and futile for my case) to get something studied, I had started this routined
"I'm gonna dieeee... heeeelppp... save meeeeeehhh...." thing 45 minutes into study session. And it went on every 5-10 minutes.. The year 2's were kinda shocked at my freaking out, truth be told.. hahas..
Moral of the story:
NEVER ever try studying with me 4 hours before the exams. You'll end up wanting to wring the life out of my neck.
(point taken? drag me out for constant study sessions, so you'll be used to it by the time you reach 4 hours before exams)
Anyway, I was rather surprised that the librarians didn't come by to tell me to shut the fucking hell up.. I swear I was disturbing the tensed peace in there.. bwhahas.. I'm so bad.
Oh yeah, something really interesting happened today too.. ;)
I didn't know how to do this fill-in-the-blank question. Well, truth is, I
KNEW how to do it, I just needed some assurance to it. So, I decided to approach my ever lovely seniors.
With regards to mass spectrometry (MS), each compound has a unique ____________ which can be identified via computer-aided matching with a database of such spectra.
Molecular Weight.
You know what? My dearest seniors were all so cute.. they had
a mini conference and a small debate in the library over MALDI, MS, and 2D-PAGE.. hahahahs.. oh man... so funny.. I had to wait 30 minutes just for my answer to be confirmed!!!
hahahhas!!! They were going on about MALDI being in MS, what MS really was, and how 2D-PAGE was involved in it.. bwhahahahhas.. oh man... so cute, the lot of them...
They made me put this big smile on my face as I left the library later.. :) They certainly cheered my day up loads.
Amanda's laptop went nuts... hahas.. joey was telling me she got her computer to go insane with her as well "Like master like computer" hahahs... how true, joey, how true indeed...
Was chatting with YiLin just now.. she had on her nick
"I'm seriously turning into a nerd and it's all your fault!" hahas.. I told her,
"If you're turning into a nerd, I'm a slave to my school.." bwhahas..
Oh, I just realised that I've turned my language settings to the International settings...
so Ï càn typè lïké thís nòw!! hahahs.. okay, so weird.. and time consuming.
But that means I can finally practice
TYPING out french... bwhahahs.. those taking french, sorry if I make you puke due to language, grammer and conjugation errors. I really don't mean them, k? ;P
Anyway, yeah... back to studying Physical Chemistry for me....
I do hope this is a long enough entry for y'all.. I know I don't blog much the past few entries.. I just don't find the need to blog long entries now... hahas... so yeah, this ends here for tonight.
Take care, peeps.
Toodles.. ;)
and please, do behave!
Mood: kinda disappointed
I had an entry churned out already.. took me two hours of cracking my head and chatting with amanda and my bestest best friend jon... haiz... =(
well, i'm going to study first.. then I'll blog at 2am in the morning... or maybe at 8pm later.. see my mood..
hahs.. anyway, back to studying for me...
wish me luck everyone..
Physical Chemistry tomorrow afternoon..
byeeeeeeee. ;)
shit, i'm gonna fail..
fail fail fail...
Mood: stressed out
Went out to give Amanda the notes. but ended up having to walk about and didn't get much studying done in the first place. This is badddd... if I should get like a C, i'll be happy enough man... haiz...
But knowing the standard in my school.. I'll have to get at least a B.. =( sucky things..
I met Amelia on the way home in the train today. She seemed rather.. I don't know, envious that I was doing something that I've always wanted to do in a Polytechnic.
I'm gonna make today's entry short.. There's a lot of studying to be done now.. DNA fingerprinting, Pharmacology (plus Pharmaceutics), Proteomics, the 5 classified kingdoms, DNA Engineering, Bio-informatics and Bio-ethics.. blardy hell, out of these 8 topics, I did only like.. um.. 2? dieeee lah... fucking hell.. must cram. using Tim's method after this.
Anyway, I told you before right, that I have this new coach for golf.. giving me FREE lessons. People at the range there calls him "Ah Lim" hahas.. anyway, coach wants me to go for the 6.45am golf round on sunday. It's the students-only time slot.. well, sunday mornings are reserved for students and the coaches. So, yeah.. he wants me to tee-off for the first flight.
I was like thinking "er... why should I go for this sunday's one when I can join Gary and dad this saturday on the course in Malaysia?"
Yeah, I'm most prolly headed for Malaysia over the weekend. Or maybe just saturday.. or sunday.. see how it goes..
But anyway, if I'm going... TANJONG PUTERI... my my... here I come!!! that's my homeground, which I can hardly conquer by the way. (that's only for the fact I hardly play there anyway.)
Terra is drooling on my toes now.. she's back to her stupid fetish of torturing toes.. yeah.. heh.. not that you needed to know that.. oh, she allows my mom to brush her teeth for her using a normal toothbrush... hee hee... she's sho frigging cute.
Okay, I think I better go study up those 8 topics now..
or I'll fail. =(
Wish me luck, everyone!
kill the koalas!!!
what? i can't think of a better one!
Mood: pleased
Bwhahahs... still basking in the enjoyment of having to know that I've got an accomplice in listening to good eurobeats.. ;)
heh heh heh... I was having so much fun telling dad about how I annoyed amanda with just a 2 minute and 38 second song... called
BabyCakes, by
3 of a Kind.
Lionel, if you happen to be at Joey's or Howie's and reading this particular entry, do you by any chance like
Chicane as well? hahahahs...
Hmm.. serica sent me something really hilarious this morning!! hahas.. :) thanks girl!!! can't wait to meet up with you and debra come this friday!
Anyhoo, this is amusing!
Phua Chu Kang was asked to make a sentence using 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10.
Not only did he do it 1 to 10, he did it again from 10 back to 1.
This is what he came up with......
"1 day I go 2 climb up a 3 outside a house to peep. But couple saw me, so
I panic and 4 down. The man rush out and wanted to 5 with me. I run until
I fall 6 and throw out. So I go into 7 eleven and grab some 8 to throw at
Then I took a 9 and try to stab him. 10 God he run away. So, I put the 9
back and pay for the 8 and left 7 eleven. Next day, I call my boss and
say I am 6. He said 5, tomorrow also no need to come back 4 work. He also
ask me to climb a 3 and jump down. I don't understand, I so nice 2 him but
I dont know what he 1".
Terra is big enough to be a stuff toy now!! hahahs.. was playing with her just now.. realised that i can be rough with her and she doesnt' mind it.. hahas.. :) she's drooling all over my sock now.. yucky little cat.
Still remember when she was just a weeee little half-my-palm-size kitten. She was soooo tiny!! And now, she's this FAT cat.. with nice, sleek fur of a colour that I just adore soooo much.. ;) I'm one satisfied pet owner alright. Love lovin' that cat.. hee hee..
Hmm, well, I promised dad not to be on Blogger for too long per session, so yeah, guess I'm stopping here for a while then.. hahs...
Toodles! ;)
(Y'all better be good. or you won't get any presents from anyone. I'm not hinting.)
YESSSSH!!!! *grins*
oh man.... heh heh heh.
Mood: amused
Guess what Amanda told me today? hahahahah.... I was rather pleased with what she had to tell me today!!! ^_^V
She told me that her brother, Lionel, like
Baby Cakes too!!! oh man....
*mega grin* FINALLY Some one enjoys good beats and tunes!!!!
Amanda, take it as a compliment..
Lionel has great taste in music, alright? And he'll have a fun clubbing life in UK too, coz that's
British Rap for you!!
*has a massive grin plastered on her face*
I was soooooo pleased in knowing that someone in Amanda's family enjoys that sorta music... heh heh... it's a pity he didn't memorise the tune or the lyrics, if not he can annoy amanda's guts out with that song.. bwhahahahs...
(i'm so evil, i know..)
Anyway, yeah.. whah...
You know, I took out Gary's
PRECIOUS green jacket... got a scolding from him coz the jacket meant alot to him... =(
Thought I'd get a
HUGE scolding from my parents and him when I reached home... but I didn't.. hee hee.. lucky me... :)
Well, did a little bit of studying today..
Junius lent me his microbiology textbook.. goodness me, it's soooo heavy!! >.<
Heh.. oh well, any thing for good grades, I guess...
Hmm...well, I shall post some pictures up now:


oh crap.. my account at photobucket ran outta space...
heh.. Flickr, here I come!!! ^^V


My cake, and me!!! :) Joey, I do NOT look like a ghost. I'm just lacking a tan is all. (how ironic, my surname is Tan, but yet...)
Took this one in my parents' room. just to finish up the film.. hee..
Oh, you know, if you click on the Flickr pictures, you'll get directed to that particular picture's site. Some pictures will have little notes on it, which I do find them rather unique and interesting! :)
Well, gary just came back from driving.. I think I really upset him alot.. :(
he gave mom quite a scare just now.. haiz..
Perhaps junius is right, I do spoil my brothers rotten at times. I just give in to them alot.. Though I'm still super mean to them sometimes.. hahs..
I have this scalely scar on my right hand shaped like a "L".. not sure how I got it there, but it's been there for over a month already.. it gets a little larger as the days go by.. Not sure if I oughta worry about it. It doesn't do any immediate harm to me anyway.
Talking about harm.. I've been getting heartburns every two days for the past two weeks. Stupid burns.. they come back once every so often.. Don't think they're good, but there's nothing much I can do about it.
Hmmm... I really wonder, what would happen should I die like.. I dunno, say tomorrow perhaps. Will anyone miss me 5 years later? 20 years later? Not that I have every intention to die. I don't mind should I die immediately. It just means that I won't get to be a hell load of personalities that I have got in stall for me. And the many rather mundane to-do's that I have lined up on my checklist.
But that's quite alright, really. Coz I've got all the main stuff done already. I passed my O's, I'm doing my diploma, I've got my chance at sitting in front a microscope that costs my life and a hell lot more (i'm not valued much, seriously), and I've got great friends whom I don't have too close a bond with.
I don't reckon my best friends even follow my blog.. Sad, huh? hahahs.. okay, so enough of the sad sob story. I know it gets boring and incoherent after awhile.
well, Junius, my dear god-brother, we'll meet up again like, I dunno.. maybe sunday. Make sure you get to turn up this time, alright? And as for tomorrow, gimme a call when you reach downstairs. If I'm awake, I'll answer the phone, if not, just come on upstairs and slot the file under the door, or better yet, pass it to my aunt next door, k?
Hmmm... so bored. Shall study a little after this.. hahs.. my goodness.. IMB on wednesday!!! By 5th November, I'll be done with my exams! Oh, the Joy!!
Hahas.. talking to my dear friend from Mexico again.. Luigi, Luigi, Luigi.... ye cheeky old farting duck! you and your don potato.. heh.. passing him
"Hotel California" over MSN now.. hehee.. that's a classic song everyone should learn how to appreciate. ;) though it's lyrics are rather freaky.. hahas.. "you can check outta here, but you can never leave." I miss my guitar.... hahas.. Haven't played it in AGES. okay, I shall make an effort to keep up to my promise and memorise 3 songs well, and play it for mom and the family.. hahs.. oh man. =S
I shall play some crackpot lame kick-ass song to make my mom laugh.. ahahs.. yeah.. ;) love lovin' it!! :D
alright, it's getting frigging late. Gotta get going.
Though I'm only gonna sleep at like.. dunno 2am perhaps? hahas..
well, toodles for now..
if ye have comments, drop 'em by...
P.S.: MICHELLE!!!! get over and done with the O's!!! make sure you do 'em well, k? then we'll meet up and go for
MOVIE MARATHON!!!!! yesh... movie marathon, we have it coming up right? ;) missing ya loads!
frigging bored
Mood: bummed out
no mood to study tonight..
Went in to my parents room to comb my hair coz it was mightly untidy (it normally is untidy anyway) to find my older bro and my mom talking and laughing away.
They realised I was in the room and told me to get out. "We're talking, get out." exact words, mind you.
Oh, so nice of them. (sarcasm truly intended)
Fine, like whatever.
When I make it rich, I'll promise to forget about the rest of you too. so much for family huh?
Yeah, I do admit, my family's fucking dysfunctional. It's not a doubt why I'm a little quirky at times. But that's considered highly sane and nothing in my family.
I'm getting so fucking pissed at this shit.
I seriously can't wait to get out of this household and away from this family of mine. Them males are a bunch of sissies. The cat is going crazy too. Mom's not exactly sane either.
I have every right to doubt my sanity sometimes. Yes, I certainly do.
And to stand in for testimonial for that, would be this blog. You'd find that I'm not exactly talking sense 100% of the time.
Reminds me, dad was reading something really hilarious from the
Sept-Oct 2004 issue of
The Flag. It's a local Golf Tabloid, as it says HUGE on the front cover itself. pfft.
it's a quote from
John Updike which dad was reading from:
"Golf appeals to the idiot in us and the child. Just how childlike golf players become is proven by their frequent inability to count past five."
Heee... soooo true you know? It's like the maximum number of strokes I've ever come across that's being allowed on a hole in the course is 5.
So, golfers usually count like say, at a Par 3 hole, after the 3rd stroke, they go
"Boogie" on the 4th stroke,
"Double boogie" on the 5th stroke, and after
Double boogie, they give up counting the whole hole.
Well, if you don't get it, it's okay. Don't mind my father. His opinion on a joke tends to be extremely cold. Not many can acheive his cold sense of humour. His is the type where the joke can only be said once and only once. Never to be repeated or said again..
Anyway, this other one I came across.. it's a short story joke..
Key Question in the joke:
"What will you do for golf?"
Four married guys go golfing on Sunday. During the 3rd hole, the following conversation ensued:
First guy: "Man, you have no idea what I had to do to be able to come out golfing this weekend. I had to promise my wife that I'll paint every room in the house next weekend."
Second guy said: "That's nothing, I had to promise my wife that I will build her a new deck for the pool!"
And then the third guy spoke out: "Man, you both have it easy!! I had to promise my wife that I will remodel the kitchen for her..."
They continue to play the while when they realise that the fourth guy had not said anything. So they aske him. "You haven't said anything about what you had to do to be able to come golfing thise weekend.. What's the deal?"
The fourth guy gave a sigh: "I don't want to talk about it.. Let's just say... that the foundation for the new house is being poured next Tuesday."
Heh.. betcha went "oh man....LAME!!"
Oh, let me remind one and all again: Never ever take the Qatar Airways airbus A300-series airbuses.. my frigging gawd. those were certainly horrible. It's the worst air flight I'd ever ever ever been on.
Anyway, I better get going to bed. Meeting Junius early later.. if anyone's finding me, call me on my mobile. Better yet, search for me at Esplanade Library. Junius's great idea of going there.
Still feeling friggingly and mightly bummed out about being told to get out... =(
well, nighty night peeps.
Lesseee.... we shall murder the.. FOXES!!!
YESH!!! kill the foxies... 'em cute lil' furry things..
Mood: amused
So yeah, Amanda should be really happy now.. Her brother, Lionel is home for the while. From what I've got through Joey, Lionel's being posted back here for the time being..
And her old friend, Sarah's back in da house too.. :) i'm happy for you, lyns! make sure you stay happy k?
Really bored from studying SDS-PAGE, 2D-GE, microarrays and all that.. To think that next year, I'll have to do sonications too..
Oh yeah.. Deyolking is over for the time being.. weiping's project's done already.. but, next year, another batch of students will be in for this, heading us freshies again.. Not sure if Proteomics is what I wanna do.. coz this whole zebrafish project is frigging hell headed in the Proteomics department.
I only know I enjoy deyolking a hell lot.. I miss doing it.. Haven't done deyolking in a month.. or at least it feels like a month.
Tuesday, I'm prolly gonna play golf.. finally, I'm starting myself out on the course.. hopefully I'll fair well enough. But knowing me, I'll prolly play over 100 again.. heh.. yes, I'm
THAT lousy. The last time I played, I was still well over 90.. I was like 92, 93.. really bad...
Nevermind, I shall train hard and try to hit my dream target: 85..
Hmm... Tomorrow will be monday. I'm going to Esplanade to study with Junius tomorrow.. He's gonna give me his microbio textbook, and teach me chemistry.. bwhahas.. he's so good... hahs..
My back injury is back again.. =( oh well, still gonna play golf anyway.. hee..
Oh, here's this week's UM.
Unconscious Mutterings:
Blackout:: just the other night about 2 months ago..
Platinum:: the platinum card my dad has..
Leather and lace:: leather-cow skin, lace-things that make my skin itch. I hate it.
Court:: law
Mind your own business:: MYOB
Gambling:: Dai dee!!!
Lily:: flower
Evasive:: avoidable
Turn-on:: to switch something on.
Suspect:: er... dont look at me!
heh, yes, I do realise I sound frigging lame... heh..
SDS-PAGE: Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate PolyAcrylamice Gel Electrophoresis....
Gawd, that was long, but at least I've memorised what SDS-PAGE stands for... hahas.. :)
Okay, back to my studying... bah.. hate it hate it hate it...
going mad here...
bah... humbug.. =(
so, I did those quizzes one can find in Friendster's..
Mood: bored..
Just had lunch... don't feel like studying as of yet.. I'll get on it once I'm done with this entry.
Mom told me gary cut himself again. I'm confiscating that fucking knife for as long as I can. As you can see, I'm kinda pissed off by gary now.
[1] Name : Angeline
[2] Age : 18
[3] Place Of Birth : Singapore
[4] Colour Of Hair : Naturally black, I dyed it copper blonde, it came out copper brown
[5] Colour Of Eyes : used to be black, serious! but it's turned a little brownish..
[6] Last 4 digits of your home no. : 2410 (go buy 4-D!!)
[7] Members in your family(include urself) : 6
[8] Gender : female
[9] Level you are in(pri/sec/etc) : Tertiary (Polytechnic)
[10] School : NYP SCL(LS)
[11] Class : MB0406
[12] Favourite Subject : French, IMB, Comm Skills
[13] Hatest Subject : All forms of Chemistry
[14] Highest Marks for English: A2
[15] Highest Marks for Mathematics: um.. A1? I forgot..
[16] Highest Marks For Chinese : B3
[17] Highest Marks For Science : A2
[18] Favourite Non-test Subject : French!! oh, and religious class back in primary school.. hehe..
[19] This year's form teacher : Mr Jay Kaelash (cool name right?)
[20] Favourite Hangout : umm... can't have a specific hangout..
[21] Favourite Pastime(s) : slacking, daydreamin', listening to my MP3s blasting over my speakers, sleeeeeping.
[22] Favourtie Sports : GOLF!! it's my ultimate favourite, but I don't mind TableTennis and badminton
[23] Favourite Colour : lovin' maroon. ;)
[24] Favourite Drink : water is still the best
[25] Favourite Food : depends
[26] Favourite Fruit : oranges
[27] Favourite Book : Any book from Jostein Gaarder
[28] Favourite Websites : my blog (like d'uh)
[29] Favourite Country : not sure, I think I'll stick to Singapore..
[30] Favourite Animal/Pet : what say you? I love my feline and my babe.. Terra and Junie Cuddles!
[31] Favourite Female Singer : -
[32] Favourite Male Singer : -
[33] Favourite Group Band : -
[34] Favourite Song : 3 of a Kind
"Baby Cakes"
[35] Favourite Album : Maroon5 --
Songs about Jane
[36] Favourite Show : Young, Posh & Loaded
[37] Favourite Movie : Honey, Van Helsing (it's a classic)..
[38] Favourite Number : 1, 2, 3, 7, 13.
[39] Favourite Saying : "
Risk it, Live it, then when you're done, Leave with it." -- That's
MY motto. It's how I live my life to it's fullest.. ;)
[40] Favourite Shape : -
[41] Got any bf/gf : hmmm, technically speaking, it's not official, but it's a mutual thing going on between us.. hahs.. so yeah.
[42] First letter of your bf/gf's name : um, he's got two names.. okay, F.H.
[43] Got any crush : yeah, my bf lah
[44] First letter of your crush's name : look at [42]
[45]age of ur crush : same age
[46] Does your crush got bf/gf : yeah, that'll be me.
[47] Hope he/she got friendster?: nah.. it'll be a miracle if he has it.
[48] What condition must he/she has to be your bf/gf?: eh.. be as human as you can get.. it's good to dream.. hee..
[49]Where do u want to go for honeymoon : I dunno.. I have no preference.. hahs.. Maybe some place nice, like Japan or something
[50] when you wanna get married : not sure.. maybe when I finish my diploma.. then i'll be like 20 by then.. hmm.. maybe a year after that.. oh, I don't know.. just within the next 5 or 7 years..
[51] How many children you want : 3 is good enough. more than enough..
[52] Does he/she likes children : it's a riot when the kids are over at his place over the weekends! (tackle him, kids!! make sure you sit on him and squash him flat!!!)
[53] Do you two got the chance to chat often : no.. so sad..
[54] Are you willing to change for him/her : depends really.. I'd rather be myself..
[55] Do you hope he/she could change for you: no.. I love him for who he originally is.
[56] Is he/she handsome/pretty : obviously he's handsome, or he won't be in a modelling agency.. hahas
[57] Know his/hers parents : heh, yep! I know them, but I doubt they'll know me.. oh wait, they know me... they've heard of me.. hahas..
[58] Went to his/hers house : nope
[59] Know his/hers telephone: not anymore
[60] Went out with him/her: eh... nearly did.. but some stuff just decided to crop up EVERY SINGLE time. Just my luck, you know?
>Pick one<
[61] Love or Like : Love
[62] Nice-looking or Ugly : abit of both
[63] Rich or Healthy : Healthy, anytime.
[64] Famous or Confidential: um... Confidential, please.
[65] Sea or Land : both!
[66] Day or Night : both
[67] IQ or EQ : this is hard.. give me EQ. I'd rather know how to survive, then to be super intelligent but know not to survive and adapt.
[68] Tea or coffee : tea
[69] Egg Yolk or Egg White : none. calories.. cholesterol.
[70] White or Black : black
[71] Wine or beer : wine
[72] Cherry or Grape : cherries!!!
[73] Winter or Spring : Winter
[74] 1 or 100 : umm... just the number? 1 is good..
[75] Friends or Lover : both. I'm a friend, but I love my friends..
[76] On phone or in person : both
[77] Silver or Gold : silver
[78] Diamond or pearls: diamonds, of course..
[79] Ring or Necklace : umm... can't decide
[80] Ice-cream or Hot soup : ice cream
[81] how many friends you have : 181 on my list
[82] how many testimonials you have : about 63
[83] how long: i've been on friendster's since.. um.. october/november last year.. can't remember..
well, I'm off to study again.
Kill the duckies!!!!
heh.. and damage old fart's head too
Mood: bored, feeling studious again
Talking to Ah Mun jeje over MSN.. hehe.. :)
Well, the swiss knife was somehow placed on my laptop this morning.. but the laptop's on the dining table, so yeah, gary must've left it there..
I shall confiscate it for the time being.. I bought that thing anyway.
Hmmm... talking to old farty mexican, Luigi.. that guy needs a good kick to his arse.. i'm SOOOO not an open book, my dear mrDuck. heh.
Well, again, I slept at frigging 3.30am last night.. and woke up when Amanda called me up just now at about 9.30am.. 6 hours of sleep again.. =( that's a bad thing.. my beauty sleeeeeep.. haiz..
I had supper last night.. had instant mashed potatoes, and wheat crackers.. heh... at 2.30 in the morning.. lovely lovely...
Read Amanda's blog.. she fell down again!!! =( making me feel so bad for asking her to walk me out.. haiz... maybe for christmas, i shan't buy her a wallet like she requested, I'll buy her a pair of good sandals, the ones with good grips on the soles.. she's
ALWAYS tripping and falling down.. You're so careless, amanda... be careful!!! you ah...
Well, I'm just going to Popular today.. to get those cards, and markers... YES.. drool amanda,
DROOOOOOOL... get jelous or sommat.. hahahs.. I'm gonna get more of those markers... those good ones you were using yesterday...I hope to get $10 worth of markers.. hee hee... mom's gonna kill me, but I don't caaare!!
Okay, I think I shall go study now.. hahs...
Toodles for now!!!!
have a g'day, y'all.. and be good!
Quick-time bloggin'
thanks to those fast rappers
Mood: it's okay
Well, it'll be a quick entry.
Just one thing to say: Nanyang girls are horrible singers.
If you can't sing for nuts, don't. You just make a sickening fool out of yourself.
So, yeah, this bunch of sec 4 girls from Nanyang Girls boarded 171 on the way back into orchard earlier on. Just my luck... hahs..
Yep, they were helluva noisy buncha girls.. reminded me of my secondary school days and how much I missed sec 5 Benevolence.. haiz.. surely and truly how fast time flies..
Anyway, they were all trying to catch the attention of a group of caucasian guys up front in the bus.. it's like some crazy riot in the bus, really. Worse than in a school canteen. hahas.. the caucasians making their own riot noise in front and these girls seated around me making a huger riot of noise.. crazy. Buncha lunatics..
So, yeah.. I was too busy reading my IMB lecture notes to pay attention to them. It was really hard, and I was trying my best to
READ. (read, mind you, not memorise or study)
But by the time 171 reached Wisma Atria with Amanda on the phone telling me how great her dinner was, I decided I've had enough of them rowdy girls, and got off the bus to mingle with the quieter crowd walking along the whole of Orchard Road.
heh.. it was the BEST decision I've made in weeks. ;)
THANK THE GAWDS!!! *kisses their feet*
Bah... junius's dad is having some weird shit PMS now.. bah... hambug.. he can't come out tomorrow. I hope and pray his dad allows him to come out tmr.. I need that microbio textbook... haiz...
This really sucks..
Alright, I think I'll go study now.
So yeah, be good k, peeps? (that goes out to Junie's dad)
this week's weekly shit
Mood: bored, feeling studious.
yea, it's hardly that you'll ever see me this studious.. I've done like Fungi, Monera and Protista, movin' on to Animalia (chicken feet) and Plantae (another chicken feet thing).. I'm just putting the notes onto the cards now. I'm already long gone done with them actually. Just refreshing my poor poor memory.. haiz..
On with...
The Thursday Threesome:
::Lights! Camera! Action!::
Onesome: Lights!- What do you think of the trend to light up houses for *every* holiday? It used to be just Christmas and maybe Halloween, but lately the stores have been full of Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day lights. Oh, and Thanksgiving/Autumn and...
Eh..light up? sounds like people burning their houses down.. heh heh.. anyway, people here in Singapore put up light displays at
EVERY festival ever that they can.. hee hee... it's been a tradition that's lasted for the past 20 over years? yeah.. so yea, cool huh? ;) it rocks to be in a multi-racial society.. so damn cool..
Twosome: Camera!- What's your preference? Digital or film, black and white or color, portraits, candids, or just whatever catches your eye?
oooh!!! everything really!!! I like digitals.. but I still prefer film. Coz film shows your true skills, unlike digital, where you can edit and delete the picture if you didn't like the composition of it..
Threesome: Action!- Do you have a favorite sport? Do you follow the local high school or college team, trek to the kids' games each weekend or are you all about the pros?
Yeah!! I have a favourite sport!! :D It's
GOLF!! nah.. i don't follow any team whatsoever.. I just do my own thing.. hahas..
And next up..
Friday's Feast!:
Name 3 things that you are wearing today.
3 things..? my watch, shirt, jeans.. lol.. ;)
Who was the last person you hugged?
Amanda!! that was before I crossed the road to get to the other side, just opposite her place.
What do you like to order from your favorite fast food place?
depends.. if I'm at the hawker centre (aka food court to you).. and if it's at Whampoa, i'd order the fried hokkien prawn mee, it rox! if I'm at BurgerKing's, I'd order the hersley's pie, if I'm at MosBurger's, it'd be the potato thingy. At McD's, it's unsalted fries, and at yoshinoya's.. nothing.. i get a set meal.. hahahs...
Main Course
What time of day do you usually feel most energized?
hmm.. all day? hahas.. serious! maybe like 2 or 3 hours after I wake up..
Using the letters in your first name, write a sentence. (Example: Sweet unusual spaniels are nice.)
ends. (Angeline)
*is feeling super super proud of herself for accomplishing the dessert part*
At amanda's place..
With the little cuzzies and her foot right up at my face.. YUCK.
Mood: heh.. okay larh..
Over at amanda's place, I'm supposed to be studying, but I'm not.. hee hee.. Actually, I studied. Just a little.. I wanna go home and do up those little cardy thingy for studying. hahas.. i forgot about those..
Anyway, yeah..
There was this really heart-breaking scene while I was on bus 171 to manda's just now..
I just hanged up the phone with manda when I saw this old man about 65 years old.. he was holding a this old old umbrella, and the most hurting thing I saw.. was his left leg.
It was so horribly bow-legged such that his knee looks inverted. You know how our knees bend this way > his was bending < this way.. it looked soooo painful.. my heart was so crying for him as he walked so slowly. Every ten painful steps meant that he had to stop to rest for 2 minutes before he could continue walking.
Imagine if it was raining heavily, what would he use to hold on to, to walk with? or if he didn't use the old umbrella to shelter himself, he'd be so utterly drenched.. Would anyone stop to help him along?
Anyway, yep, joey's home, that's what manda says and she says the female woof woof is back with him too.. hahas.. female woof woof.. :) so amusing.. hee okok, shan't say anymore about that.
Yep. had fried hokkien prawn mee for lunch, courtesy from Amanda's parents.. :D lovely lovely..
Last night midnight rendez-vous was, um.. rather insane right? hahahs.. :P oh well, get used to it. hehe.. that's just me..
Hmm.. what else did I come across along the way to amanda's place...? oh, on the way up to her flat, we came across Joey's obnoxious next door caucasian neighbours. She told me how horrible they were..
Oh, I was sms-ing char today! hahs.. she told me Stanley came down on Thursday night to give her a geat surprise.. :) he gave her 3 presents for her birthday.. then he left on friday morning for Afghanistan to do some charity work..
Hahas... anyway, feeling a little mundane not studying.. so, yeah, I better get back to my lecture notes..
Amanda's foot is still right up my face.. yucky girl... oiiii.. i don't wanna smell your foot. grrr...
Kk, toodles peeps..
be good yah.. ;)
P.S. to PS: (no pun intended) but yeah, anyway..
THAT THEORY AIN'T TRUE!!! hahs.. it's just meant to be a stupid joke Gary told me yesterday morning..
*evil grin* can't believe you fell for it! heh heh heh.. but anyway,
NO, you will
NOT come 5m in radii close to my pet cat.
And heh.. you SURE you can be a good housewife? heh.. I can imagine you throwing the chairs and tables at the washing machine coz it doesn't work the way you want it to.. and heh.. and, um, okay, I better not say too much. I'll prolly get myself killed if I did so..
midnight rendez-vous!
with mah computer and I
Mood: very much awake
My mom's sick, so I'll have to bring her to the doc's tomorrow, that's if Dad doesn't bring her. She got up twice to take some pipa-gau.. and some hot water just to sooth her throat.. poor mom.
Blazin' Squad rox!! okay, not really, but anyway, yeah.. hahas..
it's 3.06am.. very awake.
Can't sleep. And no one's online to talk to me... so sad.
So, I've decided to blog
YET another entry.
Anyway, I've been getting sooo many deja-vu's as of late.. really reminded me of my past that I've been trying to put aside desperately for the past 2 or 3 years...
Like my sudden liking for british rap again.. staying up late, blogging so much.. (yea, all these were past habits that I used to have. it came back just again harder more than ever) I know that 'blogging so much' point seems rather mundane, coz I'm always blogging.. but previously, I had other blogs, they consisted like having an average of blogging 5 times a day and all that. serious. I don't bother with who reads my blog previously. Now, it's back to like 3-4 entries if I should overdo it. I don't like doing this all over again.
It scares me alot.
So much reminising over the past 2 months. It's very very scary. Not a good thing to go through. As you will know, I keep alot of things well hidden from everyone, sometimes people may think I lie my way around everything if I keep hiding things from others.
Hahs.. well, truth is this: I just don't speak out what I want to keep in. Simple as that. Stuff that I don't wanna speak out about, I just chuck it at a corner till I'm alone, then my mind starts wandering about and everything gets 'woken' up.. yeah.. hahas.. sounds weird, right?
but anyway, allison, you were asking how I perfected the skill of speaking british english when I'm constantly lah-ing, lor-ing and leh-ing.. (with all the kaoz and wah piangs, kan nee nah, pua peh chao cb, and all that) heh..
british rap. Just listen to british rap long enough. And you'll get it. ;)
Oh, I'll let it in on you guys.. but I'm sure majority of my friends will know about it.. I come from a family of gangsters. :D
Grand uncle Richard's a loan shark.
Great Grand uncle botak's a tyco-gambler and gang chief. (his bod's full of tattoos and he's
Grand aunt (richard's wife')'s a loan shark too, mahjong queen, super tai tai with all the gold rings, and lookin' super hip by the day. (she used to look like a sweet japanese girl)
Anyway, whole of mom's side are gangsters, gamblers, drinkers, whatnots.. I can bet you grandUncle Rich still goes clubbing at his old age.. he's supposedly like.. 54 this year? yeah.. I guess so.. he looks 36.
But anyway, being in a family of hokkien gangsters, obviously my hokkien's supposed to be good right? hahas.. wrong. it sucks big time. I only know how to curse and swear a little intsy bitsy weeny bit.
We'll have to thank gram's for that.. hee.. and Aunt Alice too.. dammit, that lady curses like there's no tomorrow. I like it when she does that "Puah pak ji!!" thing, i ain't got a clue what it means, but yeah, it sounds rough.. hahs...
Anyway, not that I like cursing.. it's just in my blood to curse like some cave woman sometimes..Okay, for now, let me tell you a really serious, but lame theory.
The theory of the jam-on-bread, and the cat.
It is proven, that at most times, when you throw a cat out of the window, it will
ALWAYS end up landing on its 4 paws, totally unharmed whatsoever.
A scientist doing R&D tested this out, and it worked.
Soon, this scientist heard that whenever a person dropped a piece of toast with jam on one side, the toast would
ALWAYS end up landing on the ground, jam-side first. So, he tested it out, and voila! it worked!!!
So, with that, the scientist thought up of a theory: If jam on toast fell jam-side first, and cats landed on their backs, wouldn't it mean that if we tied the toast to the cat, the cat and toast won't
EVER EVER EVER touch the floor when it reaches the ground level at all? It would only mean theoretically that the cat with the toast (with jam spreaded on it) will just keep on spinning!!
Soon after, this favourite scientist of ours, came up with the best solution ever.
That is, in order for the government to save money, they should research on his idea of tying the bread with the jam-side facing up to the cat's back. And put it on the monorail, where the wheels are supposedly supposed to be.
But after a few tries, he found out that "oh dear, the bread keeps flying off the feline's back when it spins too fast!!" so, he decided.. to spread the jam on the cat's back itself..
And this time, it worked!! The cat kept spinning in those bally circles. But they freaked out by spinning so much, that recently, people were wondering why the monorails sound like they were screeching away.. *miaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuwwwwwwww*
Moral of the story: Whenever you hear a monorail that screeches like a cat, you'll know who's bright idea it is..
But we
SHOULD follow this scientist's lead and
Dare to Dream of the best solutions for the better good of men. (no matter how lame your dream may be..)
heh.. don't you just hate it when I make such a mundane matter sound too serious? ;P
well, i'm finally exhausted.
So, I'm gonna head to bed...
Toodles now..
be good, k? =P
3 of a Kind
my new favourite band!!
Mood: sleepy
I'm so frigging addicted to this band now..
Love the beat for this.. people think I'm the clubbing kind whenever I start playing similar songs loudly over my speakers at home.
I would think so too if I weren't me.. hahas..
Khai agrees with me the beats and tune is superb.. Just makes you wanna dance to the beats.. hahs.. it'll make a GREAT track for either hiphop or breakdance.. or just standing there and juggling your fats.. hmmm.. yeah.. hahahhahahahahs... I mean, you know how some clubbers just stand there and just do grinding and they just can't do it anyway? (yeah, i know i'm one of them, therefore I concluded that I'll never go clubbing anyway)
Well, if you want the track, come prompt me from me, aight?
Here we go, my craze at putting up lyrics is here again, only for this song though..
yes... hahas.. it's the full version of the song.. but I have only the editted one.. =( oh wells..
3 of a Kind ~*~ Baby Cakes
I just want you to know oh oh
That I think our love will grow yeah yeah [x6]
Baby cakes
You just don't know, know
How I I
How I like it down low low
And I just want you to know
That I think our love will grow
We'll take it step by step
Because I'm not something you own [x2]
Confused don't know what I'm feeling
Confused relationships without meaning
In the mist I can see it gleaming
Time to wake up and stop the dreaming
Coz your my lil Baby cakes
And I know you got what it takes
The way you make me feel
The way that I am
when you talk to you friends
And call me your man
I'ma tell you right now
I appriciate it
Your the one for me
Your the real Shit
You was right there from the start
When I was lost you helped me find my heart
Tell her, I'd like to thank u bank you
Through good or bad times I picture jus me and you
We have a fun time where the funs low
and there's just one thing I want you to know
I just want you to know oh oh
That I think our love will grow yeah yeah [x4]
Baby cakes
You just don't know know
How I I
How I like it down low low
And I just want you to know
That I think our love will grow
We'll take it step by step
Because I'm not something you own [x2]
Lovin every minute
Just you and me
in a field dreaming
You'll be my baby
Maybe there's a possibility
We'll grow old together live happily (happillyyy)
In your grave
Bring out the tiger in me
He satisfies my every need constantly
Your the man for me
The one who even thinks what will life be like
If our eyes never met
and they say that there's someone for everyone
and At the first sight yeah you know it's love
See the person u can't breath ur heart stops
n u get butterflies in ya belly but thats such jus life
That's why I like a different dimension
you can't help it but feelin the affections
Sexual tention physical attractions
Instant flip flirtation actions
I just want you to know oh oh
That I think our love wil grow yeah yeah [x4]
Baby cakes
You just don't know, know
How I I
How I like it down low low
And I just want you to know
That I think our love will grow
We'll take it step by step
Because I'm not something you own [x2]
I I got to know [x4]
The way you look at me
Yeah you pull me closer
Our bodies together
Under the cover
Soft kisses
With ya hands all over
If I have to cry
Then ya cry on my shoulder
Can't get enough
When you loosen my neck
Goes down to my belly
and Carress my breast
i wanna ship your body
Like you was a godess
Your the man for me
n ya simply the best
u mean the world to me
And it's no contest
For Any other man
i got no interest
Loving you
weather it's wrong or right
I'm thinking of you
Everyday and night
People don't get the wrong idea
It's about us so don't interfere
The way you look at me
Cakes its gotta be
When your out
When your stood right next to me
I just want you to know oh oh
That I think I'll have a go yeah yeah [x4]
Baby cakes
You just don't know, know
How I I
How like it down low low
And I just want you to know
That I think I love will grow
We'll take it step by step
Because I'm not something you own [x2]
[end:] baby cakes u jus dont no (hahaha)
hmmm.. well, that'll be the end of this entry for now then... shall have to call amanda tomorrow to ask if I can go down to her place tomorrow.. I'm booked on sunday with junie.. that guy had better bring the CD, or I'll slaughter him.. and those books too.. bwhahs..
kk, time to go do other stuff.. ;)
or rather B to the power of 3..
Mood: finally a little relaxed
that stands for.. Bah, Bleah, Bof.
Ally's signature B3 (um, B-cube. yes.)... hahahs..
Kelly and Ally made blueberry chocolate muffins and the other one was... walnat-chocolate muffins.... YUMMY!!!!! :)
next time, Kelly, Ally and I will bake cookies, muffins and cakes.. and set up B3 as a bakery! (So, who wants to invest? hee hee...)
They both do really really good food... it's as good as the bakery's...
perhaps I'll hire them as chefs for my potential restaurant-cafe idea.. yes.... hahas.. I've always wanted to set up my own cafe.. After I'm sick and tired of Research, I shall set up a restaurant-cafe thing.. yeah... in an expensive shopping area.. those side walk restaurants.. yeah.. hope to get it like NYDC's or like.. I dunno.. hahas.. I was thinking maybe like some 3-in-1 cafe. You have a section for the drinkers, they can pub there, the cafe section next to and around it.. and on the second floor, you can have the main fancy restaurant thing.. third floor will be my home... hahahas..
I'll sell all sorts of weird stuff, like cockroach legs, pig intestines, monkey brains and maybe cow's uterus and bull's penis.
Nah, I'm just kidding..
hahhas.. But seriously, if I can get hold of good chefs (mind you, my taste is rather good.. (I might say mom's cooking is good, which it really is, but she's still a little on the sub-standard on my list)... Well, I'll give it like maybe put aside one day to be the seafood day, a day to be vegetable day (where we have more vegs in the food).
Sound good?
I think it's like great.. so, who wants to be initial investors? hahahs...
nevermind, I'll work for my own money... ;)
And oh yeah, all food served will be healthy food.. no GM food stuff.. so naturally, food there is gonna be expensive...
French was quiite a disaster, but I'll pass.. with a C as usual..
I have a C for IMB...
So sad.. no A+.... haiz..
Well, I went out of the house at like.. 9.15am today.. reached school at.. 10am? yeah... studied french till 1.30pm.. wasn't actually studying really.. I was more like flipping through, back and forth, through the pages..
heh... had lunch with wei sheng, then, yea, went to class with Shakeila and Clement.. Oh yea, clement and I resolved our differences...hahas...
hmmm.... nothing much to type about now...
Sorry amanda, didn't respond to you message just now.. I was like.. sleeping.. hahas...
kk, I'm off for dinner...
that's just...
Mood: exhausted
okay, basically, I didn't want to forget what I did today, so yeah, there you go! hahas..
I didn't really study. If that's what you call studying. I only did half of french, which is alright with me. hahs.. Tomorrow, I'll go through the conjugations of french tomorrow morning while at the library with wei sheng.. yeah, I've planned to meet up with him tomorrow for study session.. We're gonna have lunch together!! :)
RP - Republic Polytechnic
alright. I crashed RP today, while they were all having lunch. I feel soooo at home there for some stupid reason. Maybe I should've appealed to join Rica over at RP in the first place. Yeah, having second thoughts about NYP.. I don't know.. the NYP pride and prestige holds me back, but the good studying prospects call me over to RP.. I'm stuck. and highly confused. but before I start sweating out on whether I should go appeal to join RP or not, I'll have to do my 'homework' on it again.. hahs.. oh well..
Rica wasn't really pleased that I agreed to come down to RP coz Amanda told me to go down. Seriously, I thought I'd give her a big surprise at that point of time.. but.. turned out horribly wrong.. =(
RP's really cozy.. and huge in a way, I might add..
well, I'd been to RP before it was RP.. that was like in 2001, for NDP stuff.. yeah.. when it was still the MOE building..
Nice change really.. :) but it still looks haunted, no matter what.
I looooove RP's library... I doubt I'll ever get bored in that library... hahs.. alll those BOOKS!!! just racks and racks and shelves and shelves and
MORE shelves of them! and those sofas!! wow!! hahs..
Then I met Kenny. yeah.. one of Amanda's closest friends in school.. I am NOT impressed. he made me WALK UP 8 flights of stairs to the FOURTH floor. just to say "Hi" and that's it? pffft. SOOOO 'impressed', my foot. not good first impression, manda..
And I can bet you, her classmates were only nice to her coz I was there. Full out 100% I can assure that to you all reading this. I could see they were restraining not to say something mean.
Durian - Esplanade
We went to Esplanade (on joey's recommendation) to study. We shifted around the blardy cafe hell knows how many times before managing to clinch that BIG table. bwhahs. love it. I studied while Ally and amanda went to the piano room and played for an hour and a half.. It was during then that I managed to get most of the vocab into my empty head. We took some pics at the foyer area.. where the static visual arts are being displayed.
BK - Burger King
We went there to get allison's
taro turnover.. (it's really just a yam hot pie)
And Amanda was doing her reflection journal and whatnots..
Amanda was singing "angel" from the corrs coz it was played over the speakers..
NYDC - New York Dessert Cafe
nice place, it was my first time there, really. I'd never taken a second glance at this cafe even though I've walked past that cafe for hell knows how many times.. I LOVE THE MUD PIES!!! yummy stuff. Now I know where to get yummy mudpies.. at NYDC. (but seriously, i've tasted better) hahs.. we took pictures in NYDC... shall post them up one of these days.. Amanda went super mad. Ally and I concluded that she was on a sugar high. yes, sugar high. lyns went crazed.
Joey called when we just stepped out of the train at Somerset MRT station. Said that his girlfriend wouldn't let him go and insisted that he drove her alllll the way home. He was apologetic, I could tell, coz Amanda was screaming at him for not dumping the female dog (his gf) to join us for pool at cine's.. Her mood was rather black... well, anyway, we played like 4 games of pool i think... no, 3.. hahs.. Ally's treat! :) but Ally sat at the corner studying and catching up for french.. hee.. thank gods I studied while they played. yes.. hahs..
I WON A GAME OF POOL!!!!! FINALLY!!!! yeah, I told you I'm not good at anything really.. I'm an all-rounder, no doubt, but
I'm NOT a GOOD all-rounder. yes.. hahahhas... see the BIG difference there? yeah.. hahahhahas..
Okay, so Amanda wasn't concentrating on her games.. so naturally, I won..
Ally and I walked her over to her bus stop and waited for her bus with her.. she hopped on to 106 and yeah, Ally and I made our way down to PS... (as in Plaza Sing.)
At PS, we got another taro turnover for ally before we made our way home on the NEL..
I don't know.. maybe people think it's my doing of displaying any wealth that I've got. But I just don't buy those concession stamps like what Amanda and Allison do.. they were rather confused at why I don't get ANY form of concession stamps..
okay, so here are like.. a FEW good reasons:
1. I'm lazy to go figure out when I have to update the stamps
2. Mom does the input of credit for my card, unless I'm really out of credit while out without her
3. I really choose not to notice concession stamps.
yeah.. hahas.. so, yah.. lame but really, valid reasons, in my opinion. hehehe..
Anyway, Gins came over today!!! :)
She needed some white powder for her halloween's party tomorrow night. She's dressing up as a school ghost.. so, she'll be donning a uniform, jap-girl style (that's my idea on the jap-girl part) ahahs..
She's gonna look great!!!
We had a quick chat.. I told her my potential plans.. she said it might not be wise to do that.. but it'll be good if I spent some time to think on it just to be sure.. I agree too...
Then, Amanda and Joey came home.. chatted with them for a while..
manda pulled a muscle in her back... shit lah... no kaki to play pool with now... nvm...
I'll drag bra and rice to play with me... hehehe...
although.. haiz... they're always so busy... :S whenever I'm so free, they're either not feeling well, or they don't wanna go out coz they've got other plans...
fine, that's okay with me. Some other time then... :)
I will be able to stuff in all the frenchy stuff by lunch time tomorrow... :) lovely lovely! pity joey had to be stuck with the female dog of a girlfriend (no matter how pretty she is)... yeah... pity he couldn't help ally and I with french...
Amanda actually told us "coiffeur" meant coffee, when it really meant 'barber shop' hahahs.. it's okay... there won't be extended module for french.. (although I hope sooo much for it.. haiz..)
Well, I'm really tired out now.. gotta wake up SUPER early tomorrow morning...
so, toodles for now!!
and be good, all of you.
Massacre the.. um.. pidgeons..
yes, those feathery things
Mood: moodless.. just quiet..
Being quiet doesn't mean I'm sad.. or moody.. or depressed.. it's just the "...." mood.. hahhas... engine haven't really warmed up yet for crapping.. saving up the energy for later when I meet Allison later at Orchard MRT at 11am..bwahahahs...
Bwhahahs... she must be soooo embarassed now.. poor girl, I'm always embarassing her.. heh heh.. I do the online embarassment.. I don't know what mich does.. prolly the live embarassment like squealing away at 120 decibals.. heh.. scarrry..
Anyway, Char.. hope you have a happy birthday!!!
oh, and amanda told me too.. so....
yups.. hahs.. hope you have a great year ahead of you too! ;)
I did lots of thinking last night, or rather, recalling, of what happened yesterday. (well, besides the major fact that we went window shopping for bags and stuff)
We went looking for... um... yeah, bikinis.. hahas.. PS's buying a bikini for her best friend.. bwhahahs.. so we spent 1/2 our time scrutinising at bikini tops and what nots.. hahas.. it was so amusing, really.. interesting to an extent, but highly amusing.. hahahahahs.. :P
And well, PS said that Ally and I had to meet a target.
"a goal", as how PS would say. That is, we have to make her lose as much fats as possible and make her look skinnier than me right now.. and like, abit more. heh.. it's gonna be tough.. but we'll manage, right Ally? :D Basically, we're gonna call up PS's mom to stop feeding her so much, and stop PS from having like 6 meals a day.. (yes, she has
SIX meals a day, double the average!)
heh... and when we've reached that goal.. SG$50 here we come.. yes, PS said she'll put aside SG$50 each for Ally and I if we manage to get her to shrink in size and weight.. :P
Well, there's really quite a lot more stuff there is that happened yesterday, but I really can't seem to recall... my mind's filled with other stuff... haiz...
oh well..
okay, I'm going to study french now..
there's some e-learning shit to do...
Toodles for now!
Day out
With ma sinister trio!!!
Mood: tired
Bwhahs.. okay, Joey just went offline.. he went to pick Amanda up.. yups..
Anyway, PS, Ally and I went down to Orchard after Physical Chem prac exam.. to do some
WINDOW SHOPPING!!! hee hee.. there's so many things to talk about!! But I'm afraid I've forgotten like 4/5 of it..
Anyway, hi-lights for today..
um, yeah... well. We went to take a look at bags today.. hahas..
and bought some little stuff here and there.. I've figured, I need at least $200 for shopping. And I'll only be able to buy: one bag, one shirt.. and yeah, that's about it.. maybe some cheapo ear-rings from 77th street.. okay, so 77th street stuff ain't that cheap, but yeah, it's reasonably priced.
Okay, seriously aight, I've forgotten what I wanted to blog about. I had this really GREAT few topics to blog about just now, but I can't remember.
but yeah...
basically, I screwed up today's paper again. Gave 20 marks away for calculations of pH.. my GAWD... how could i
EVER forget that? haiz..
I feel so dumb for today's exam..
KNEW the stuff, but I forgot...
Anyway, 3 papers down, 7 more to go.. wait.. is it 7 in the first place?
let me count.. math, microA, IMB, phys chem, inorg chem.. um.. oh. okay, 5 papers.
heh.. alright, oh wait, i've done CSTW already.
4 down, 5 to go. yes.. 5 more..
till my holidays.. bwhahahahhs.. can't wait.
I want to go see the kids at Assisi!!! hahs..
okay, i'm off to the shower, then to my room to Zzzz...
Lyns will be down at my place at 9... so early... i wanted to sleeeeep..
well, okay..
Toodles for now..
Be good, y'hear????