picture of me and my short hair...hahahaha
Mess. mess. messy.
My life is in such a messy state now. HA!
no worries, things will sort out by themselves pretty much in a jiffy, I do hope.
I'm helping Dewi out in her Sentosa event.. it's called The Great Escapade!
hahaha.. what a cute name for an event..
Anyway.. today had been great! (coz i'm just ignoring the bad parts of today. =P something I learnt in the wise books of ZEN)
well, it wasn't the best of days, but nonetheless, it'd been filled with the wonders of joy and life!
What could be better than to be surrounded by friends (whether they like me or not) and good tidings?
Everything I read came out once again (but that didn't mean I knew how to answer them.. heh heh.) I was so grinning away at how my other classmates had been, discussing away so loudly about western blots and whatnots.. Mr new specifically said that tumour viruses onwards....
I really wonder what they were doing in lectures..
Nevermind, next...!
I met up with mizael for some last minute cramming revisions again before test.. heh heh.. but he left at about 10.50 for his tutorial.. studying isn't much fun really.. hahahah..
I left for the microbio test at 11.40am.. stayed in the exam room till about 11.50am when the invigulator came by and shooed me out so she could distribute the papers.
Test.. was okay.. haha.. i'm hoping for at most a D.. again..
I went off after the test.. hee hee.. went to meet mom upto go get my hair cut.. it's like sooo short now.. not as short as what you see up there in my main display banner.
it's slightly longer. only JUST. bwhahahaha..
OH!! I saw deen yesterday while waiting for dad to come pick me up from block A!! hahahas.. so nice to see him again! deen was the emcee for this year's (2004) NYP open house... he could actually recognise me during the trip.. i was like "huh? You actually know who I am? weer! that's like cool man! I don't even know you!" and he was like (-__-)||
heh.. damn me, hurh...? bwhahahahha...
sooo like yeah.. haha.. i'm going sungei buloh... the mcRitchie canopy treetop walk.. (so cool!) possibly going for the project with the Deaf association.. still have to sort out my calander and schedule to fit it in. ugh.. so many things to do!!!
anyway, time to go sort out that... script of hweebin's (so not mine).. and studieeee...
like what amanda's been telling me to do.. hahas...
alrighty alrighty...
time ta goooo!
Can't wait to meet up with my platoon mates of Taman Negara! =)
Gooooooo elites!!! heh heh..
Toodles! ;)
I've completed my reports (hooray!!! =P), went for organic chem lecture, sat for the organic chem quiz, went home without waiting for the rest to come out (coz i had other things to tend to that were more important)..
Anyway, the only kick I got outta today was this morning...
I slept at like 4.30, 5am? yeah.. tried calling mizael up to see if he wanted to join damien and i for breakfast at McD's in school..
buuuut.. that dude was way into sleep.. hahahaha....
well, breakfast was great! haha.. had hotcakes and maple syrup + magarine... and iced milo... and a nice hot hash brown..
and damien and I were talking about how crazy SCL peeps were. I agree with him. They're mad people, and sadly, I'm pulled down with the madness too. hahaha..
Mizael came by later to pass me his reports to use as a reference for.. haha.. and to study with me too.. we ended up not studying at all.. haha.. ended up chatting with damien...
yeah.. hahs.. anyway...
time to go study for my microbiology....
toodles! ;)
okay, seriously...?
The ARPANET (more commonly known to the ENTIRE world as The INTERNET) is a major source of distraction to me.
ESPECIALLY blogger.com AND MSN Messenger. grr.
sooooo.. before I end this post and publish it out, after which I will turn off my lovely ADSL connection...
let me tell you of my day today.
Maybe they read the previous posts. MAYBE. Maybe it's because of THAT insider whom I'm not even close with or I don't even know of... MAYBE.. maybe. but we all have a very mutual understanding between us now.. they don't talk to me, I won't talk to them. they don't talk in class, I'm more than happy with that. =)
In any case, class today was okay. Mr Ng was droning on and on about the ANOVA table (which really stands for ANalysis Of VAriance for those who don't know what it means. it's just statistics. BIOSTATISTICS, to be exact.) and I was gonna fall asleep in class, so I decided to read up on my IT book. To which there really isn't much help on. I merely
tikam-ed my way through today's paper. (er.. heh heh.) I sooooo feel like secondary school. heh. heh heh heh heh heh.
ANYWAY, after lectures, and that test, I headed for that impromtu organic chem tutorial, which I left barely even 5 minutes of being in there.. Firstly, I was more bothered about my
STILL YET TO BE COMPLETED lab reports (*is feeling ashamed* yes yes, i haven't finished them yet.) and secondly, I didn't
KNOW there was gonna be a tutorial. pfft.
So yeah, left class...
and then I went down to ELP (E-learning Plaza, which so happens to be at block P in school. how coincidental.) to do up my reports.. Peisuan FINALLY came along.. hahas.. and helped me a whole fat lot with my reports. (THANK YOU PEISUAN!! MUACKS!)
yeah... then we went to the canteen, where I bought those fried foods for mom to try... DURING WHICH.. check this out.. during which, I found out (in the process of purchasing my stuff) that the lady selling me those gawd-sinfully-delicious fried fishballs was
MY NEIGHBOUR!!!!! ah hah!!!
you have NO idea how pleased I was to know that!!
She lives in the same avenue, SAME block, but she's on the 11th floor at the other end of the block.. (which is quite far away from me coz my block's super huge)
And the bestest (okay, no such word, but what the heck) thing was..... SHE KNOWS MY AUNT!!!!!! whahahahahahhaha....
*mega-mega-MEGA-grin*I hope to get free food from her. Well, hoping to anyway.. lol!
Anyway, here I am, at home again..
gonna start on my reports again.
so. yep, gotta go now!!!
shall blog late at night if I'm still awake!
Toodles! ;)
The case of being numbed
See, I'm being numbed in many ways I can't exactly comprehend..
My last toe's numbed coz of a horrible insect bite, don't worry, it's getting better, I do hope.
My brain's numbed. Of obvious reasons that I can't exactly think now, due to the overload of information uploaded to my 2% poor meshed up grey matter.
My neck feels numbed. I didn't have a very good sleep last night. But everyone gets that too..
My heart feels numbed, yet, it isn't numbed. I still feel the aches, the pain from so many things that has happened. The most painful of all being him, but that's a situation I'm trying to forgive and forget with every passing day. But the most disappointing being janice. How my best friend could jump off the building like that. okay, I admit, I wasn't exactly very close to her at the point of time when she committed suicide. But still, I gave her a warning I didn't know what I was talking about. Which was very weird.. I feel a really deep and unforgiving sense of loss in me whenever I think of Janice.
She died on the 6th March, 2002. That very day, I still remember very significantly and vividly in my mind. The words I said, and the shock I got the day after, it was something I didn't expect at all. but somehow, I accepted it all in a very dettached manner.
Which makes me wonder if I'm even ever human at all?
Then again, it's been 3 years. And I miss her. Her crazy antics, her forgiving ways, her cheerful facades, her friendly smiles and her warm and big hugs...
But she died in a sad mood. It saddens me to know that I could have done something to help her. To save her from her misery. Many nights when I lay in bed so still and quiet, I wondered, what kind of friend am I? To abandon your own best friend to further your own personal goals and interests?
It was through such nights, I decided I ought to be a better friend and help my other friends, no matter how un-close I was to them. It was then.. I decided to be a better person and not care so much about myself sometimes, to sacriface some time for others, be cheerful and helpful and be there for others..
Because of all the guilt I had from not saving the person who once, once in my life, and in her's... understood me best.. I understood her the best too. only once, once in my life.
No doubt I regret it now. It's a regret and a fault and a terrible guilt I can't ever forgive myself of, no matter how hard I try...
I know I should let go of it, but some things in life, it's hard to let go. Especially when it concerns your former best friend..
I'm sorry for this sad mundane post. I just had to get it off my chest for the while.
Meanwhile, school wasn't so bad, I ignored them, they ignored me. But I still felt troubled (by the above mundane part about regret), maybe they knew I was feeling troubled and were a little better to me, but whatever it is, I'm not bothering anymore.
I suppose I'm gonna be this way till the start of next semester. I hope I'll cheer up soon, even though my worries were casted aside temporarily in lecture just now when I was seated next to peisuan. (she was kind enough to go all rubbish and go all romeo & juliet on me all through biostats) =) And I also had mizael to entertain me with "I'm so bored. feel like skipping class!" sms-es.. haha.. dude, study man!
I talked to elene from 0405 (she used to be from 4Endurance in SJC) today after lectures.. =) I really forgot how it is to be playful.. haha.. maybe one of these days when I really can let my hair go and laugh like a mad girl again, I'll start vandalising people's arms with flowers and funny faces, their names and the class's motto (which I have no idea what it is -any suggestions?)... graphitize my books, and my buddies books.. heh...
anyway, time to get back to completing my reports...
toodles! ;)
what a day....
Junie cancelled on me last night, I kinda expected that, so I guess that's really quite okay...
Monday's outing is also cancelled coz everyone can't make it on time somehow, so yeah, there goes the TNgang outing.. but it's okay, we'll just postpone it to another day when everyone's days are less packed.
Today, Ian and I went to PeiSuan's baptism at the Bethesda (Frankel Estate) Church. It started at about 10am. ended an hour and a half later.
Being in a church brings back many MANY memories, some wanted, some unwanted.
It brought my mood to an all time low. I didn't feel like staying in the church when the whole sermon session was over, but for the sake of Tim and Peisuan, I stayed back a little while to give them my congratulations for their baptism..
In any case, I told them both I had lunch waiting for me at home (yummy char siew rice) and Ian and I made our moves out of the church and back to the train station.
Ian went off in bus 854, I took the train home.
I was kinda in a daze on the way home. Thinking of the times in secondary school..
About Jan, about how history keeps repeating itself everywhere I go, so much so I'm rather numb to it already. About how my joys and sadness were shedded there to make me who I am today.
I can say I'm an IJ-girl inside out. lol. not many guys can tolerates us IJ-girls, seriously. and I'm happy about that, truth be told. I'd rather them males stay FAR FAR away from me. All males are big-time jerks. Somehow or another, they're jerks. and will stay jerks for all time. (yes, i'm saying my dad can be a jerk too)
Anyway, save the melodrama for later.. or maybe never.
Now that I'm home and alone, time for me to spend my own alone time. Away from the social life of mine.
sometimes, I just hate socialising with people. they don't understand me at all. I think, the day when I find the people who do understand me really and truely, it'll be the day when I find my resting place. (meaning, never ever finding anyone who really understands)
time to study! ;)
Toodles! ;)
I love weekends, it's my time for fun.. I don't have to crack my head to talk to make small conversations with my classmates..
I can just relax, have fun and yeah, just be myself! =)
Monday when I get back to school, no doubt it's gonna be a hard time for me...
I'll be reassured with the fact that it'll last till about 11.
Coz no one actually stays till 1pm for math.
(maybe when I actually type this out, they'd actually stay in an attempt to spite me, we'll see...)
anyway, yesterday was yesterday, today is today, tomorrow will be tomorrow, and I don't like bringing my worries and troubles on to the next day unless it's worth 8,000 spectators and a turnover of 10,000 at any one time and it HAS to cost at least $120,000.
Other than that, yesterday was yesterday, today is today and tomorrow will be tomorrow.
In otherwords, I don't care if I'm 'arrogant', I don't care if you're being spiteful, I really don't care if you don't like me. Really, dislike me all you want. In the end, you'll find that disliking me is a VERY painful and troublesome thing to do.
It'll just result in painful and troublesome consequences....
plus, I tend to work harder under such circumstances.. hahahahahahahhaha....
ANYWAY, ambiguous shit aside..
I'm meeting my dearest dearest Gins in a bit!!!
can't wait! It's been AGES since I went out gallavanting on the streets of Orchard with my lovely East Coast Park Kaki.. bwhahahahs....
And tomorrow, I'm going out to study with junie.. coz I feel kinda bad for telling him "Nope, not going" for 3 times already...
Monday after school, I'm heading out to ECP with Mizael, KaiWay, Damien and a few others to have some time out there and try to study there...
then I'm heading off to Library@Orchard for my press conference rehersal which starts at 6.30pm... hweebin JUST told me that it was at 6.30pm.. haiz... what a timing..
Hopfully I can get there on time.
Anyway, time ta goooo...
Toodles! ;)
this is frustrating...
I've finally seen the true colours of my classmates.. well, part of it anyway.
They prolly seen mine, but I really can't be bothered.
Call me arrogant, I find you childish. While I may contradict my words one way or another, know this:
It was how my upbringing was, so don't criticise my upbringing. While I may seem distant and 'arrogant' as how most of you put it. Your "The you suck, YOU SUCK theory, wingdam sucks" thing is getting boring. While I may assume it's directed at me. It's obvious you guys don't like me for thinking you're all very obnoxious.
I'm being obnoxious now, just like how you were towards the more reputable and respectable lecturers in school. While you don't respect them, I do. They're nice teachers and you don't know that coz you don't bother to find out.
Maybe you'll find out how much power they can hold against you (like not giving you a nice testimonial) and you'll start appreciating them better.
I'm sorry for being selfish the past few days. But I'm not sorry for being annoyed at your obnoxious male behaviour. It's typically and distinctively male. A trait all girls hate. While you don't treat me like one, I'm one. Just not the type you'd enjoy working with, most definitely.
haiz.. whatever.
I'm just tired and sick of all that nonsense about your theories and special terms and what shit you have.
whatever, okay? like whatever.
just too annoyed to type what i'm feeling now. Although it makes me uncomfortable for bottling it up.
ugh. whatever. just leave me alone. go disturb some other person, why don't you guys? and keep quiet during lectures. People do actually want to learn and you're not helping by talking so bloody loudly in the hall.
shut up.
this is another life's lesson learnt.
Tough and live with it. The end. no more.
did I tell you....
That I broke my speckies last Thursday...?
and I spoilt my sandals while in Taman Negara?
plus I was upset with my classmates for no reason?
and I seriously thought I had no friends to talk to at all?
Life is just sooooo sucky and it's so disappointing and I just HATE it soooo much...
I don't feel like eating.. i'm so sick and tired of everything!
How I wish I can just pack my bags and just like LEAVE this country and NEVER come back here!
I don't belong here!!!
stupid mom is NAGGING and Nagging and NAGGGGGGGING soooooo much!
ARGH!!! *screams*
*rolls eyes* bla bla bla...
That is sooooo teeny.
okay, that was me when I was like 13, or 14 or 15.. or.. well, you get the point.
now that i'm heading full blast into my 19th year here on earth, I think I'm looking at things from a totally different perspective.
Alternatively, it's also called, the optimistic point of view.
Thank goodness for optimism.
But the pessimistic people still think we're trying too hard to be cheerful..
haha.. some people do that, I'm not sure if I do that.. tell me if i'm trying to hard... lol I wouldn't even care if you told me i'm trying too hard.
Coz when I look at you, and then I look at myself, I'm leading the happier and less stressful life here. Just look at you, stressed up and upset over nothing? pffft...
that's like stupid. ha!
in any case....
whatever it is, if i'm being anti-social in school, bear with me for the time being.. i'm just being me.. lol
anyway, time to go meet debra and rica...
prolly watching a movie with debra and russ later on.. we'll see how things go along yeah..?
it's crazy!!!
See, the moment I get home, I get bitten.
more like kissed.
by mosquitoes! sheesh!
at the very moment I have like 8 bites on me..grrr... so irritating!
hmmm.. i bought gary this really nice present for his birthday...i'll tell you guys more about it tmr k?
right now, I'm going to bed. and get away from that blood sucking feign!!!!
bloody shit thing...
see ya all soon! Happy easter everyone!
Toodles! ;)
early morning blogging...
see, i'm up early!
ahaha... good morning everyone!
Your lovely bloggist is here to entertain you for a little bit before she goes to school for a 2 hour lab session, and 4 hour rot-and-wait session..
*sighs* so boring..
I'm prolly bringing my lappy to school to do my reports...
coz I was too tired to do it last night after meeting.. mizael was too busy talking too.. i think he's done his reports already. hahahahas.. imma lazy ass...
damn i miss taman negara!!! having withdrawal to it! =P
I can't wait for the next meet-up with them!! Can't wait to hear deen do his "Elite" briefings, and Melvin do that train driver announcement! hahaa.. plus ridwuan's flying squirrel act, and aliff's knowledgeable "Tongkat ALI!!!!!" and little jungle facts thing that he picked up from our guide, angie.... ahhhh....
I MISS THE LBK MILO ICE BLEND..........!!!! =( =( =(
it's gotta be the BEST ice blend I've EVER tasted!!! so deliscious!!!
I miss drinking the river's clear water... it's only yellow coz of the nutrients and minerals you can get from it.. Seriously, once you've drank that water, you NEVER wanna drink bottled water or any other kind of plain water anymore! It's just soooooo nice, clear and refreshing!
Anyway, time to get going.. it's 7.30.. class starts at 9, but i gotta get out by 8.10....
sooooo... see ya all around.. imma gone...
I'll be in the library after 11, at level 5... central wing i guess.. so i can plug in my lappy and do mah work... if you wanna join me, give me a buzz or sms...
P.S.: Char, remember to have fun and stay relaxed, but do study too, k?
Insects, Boars, ACTION!!!!
And helllloooooo to everyone!
Your sleepy author is here...
*grin* And she's back to tell you LOTS about taman negara!!! (okay, not lots, but just a bit of reflection on it, the fun stuff, and the things you can look out for if you're heading there..)
Firstly, a shout out to my wonderful, crazed-oh-maniacal bunch of camping mates!!
Elites rock!!! (okay, even though I did nothing much during the boat trip other than trying to shield out most of the water.. i was practically DROWNING while that stupid boat man used his OAR to splash water at me.. stupid.. really stupid.. but i helped!!)
The people were great! My camping mates were such a fun bunch! so enthusiastic and all... we'd go like "okay, it's 8.30, I'm hungry! can we go to the chicky hut downstairs? how about LBK again? i wanna get an ice blend!!"
and like 6 of us would be like "okay! on ah!! let's go!!!"
i just looooove my camping mates..
not to forget, the crazy bunch of guys I'm always mixing around with.. leroy, mizael, kai wei, damien.. haha.. so fun.. eh, kai wei, you ASSISTANT PAPER BOY lah!!! (he's actually honourable general secretary in the student's union, but I simplified every thing for him and called him the assistant paper boy of the student's pick-up slaves..) okay, the student's pick-up slaves is totally on my part. new addition. good add-in not, mizael? can make it right? bwhahahaha....
Well, alright, my boat (or rather, the boat I was in) on my way up to Taman Negara got caught in the stones two to three times on the first day.. it was the funnest (yeah, funnest) ride I've had in ages. or so I thought, really.
*smirks* what I had in store for me, dude, what I had in store!! I got sun burnt for the past 5 days, yep, burnt.. nicest tan i've seen on myself in the longest time ever! =)
Then we went climbing into this ear cave, which was infested with bats! (the little things were soooo sooo SOOOOOOO adorable!!!!) I took a picture of them, and since mizael was behind me, obviously his face was taken too.. hahaha... (you should be honoured, dude!)
We went shooting the rapids about an hour later! It was sooooooo cool!!!! the ride was so rocky, and our motor broke for the longest time EVER! I thought we were gonna be stuck on that little cute beach forever! but yeah, the other boat came along and we all decided to take a breather at that beach and play in the water for a while.. ;)
the senery was really good throughout the trip! It was like paradise... ahhh.. lemme tell y'all...
THAT was
THE life, Imma tellin' ya.. it's
THE life..
Happiest moment in my life in the longest time ever.
It's been over a decade and a half since I've been in the actual outback already..
This trip made me think back of the times when my whole family still could afford to be carefree and perfect.. =)
I miss those times.. but I managed to have that fun again the past 5 days..
I actually hesitated using my mobile phone for so long.. I would turn on my mobile, leave it there for about 15 minutes, hoping someone would send in a message (which ee ren and Hao did) sooo.. yeah, so that I can message back..
but after a while of messaging, I gave up and turned off my mobile till the morning after, when I decided to send gary and char a nice little sms.. =P
anyway, on the third day in TN, it was really great!
we all walked 8.5km!!! how interesting, right? =) =) =)
you bet'cha ass, it was FUN!!!! it was AMAZING i'm telling you guys!
I had so many bruises, mizael and elanor(guide frm singapore) had little scratches.. it was well worthed it.
Coz we reached a sanctuary only few got to experience.. we explored places people seldom dared to travel.. if they did, they got scared and got themselves lost and ended up crying for help.. literally.
The streams were splendid! the waters were so clear, you could practically count the many fishes in it.. you could see the stones and pebbles and eels and guppies and PRAWNS.. yeah..
it was just perfect....
And man.. haiyah.. you guys just HAVE to BE there to KNOW this kinda stuff.. it's hard to explain it to you... =(
But yeah, it was such a fun trip...
I learned alot about myself.. I think.
I didn't even have the mood to talk to my classmates today. Even if I did try, they blatantly ignored me. That's how I felt anyway.. save for peisuan who had to pass me a few things and she was sitting next to me during class.
It felt weird to be around them somehow, like I'm being alienated away just coz I went out of the country for 4 days..
Well, like whatever, I can deal with that.. =P no problemoooo!
I still stick to my motto, live and let live!
C'est la vie! that's life afterall.. =)
hahas.. well, now that I'm back in my laid back attitude, I'm gonna make sure I stay that way.. get high all I want with the people I enjoy playing around with.. talk to all my friends for long hours, be happy and have fun.. soon soon!
after my exams, I'll be playing again!
Gotta go sleep for a while now,... gotta get up at 6pm later to get down to town to meet up hwee bin and gang for dinner meeting..
then yeah, i'm going down to see if I can get my pay yet or not. That james hasn't even sent in my cheque. it's been a month already!
anyway, toodle-dee-do-days!!
I'll blog tomorrow...
This is SUCH a rush!!!
Hi all!!
yes, I'm home from Taman Negara... and currently, I'm going through what you call a mini culture shock.. I mean, after 5 days of NO net, NO sms-ing (save for the occasional few to char and ee ren and to gary), NO mp3, NO laptop, NO radios, and NO tv....
you must be thinking what sort of stupid life is that.. but truthfully speaking, I have half the mind to migrate over to TN and be a new neighbour there.
anyway, more about my TN trip later, I have lots of work to do at the moment.. feeling a little weird, coz i'm sun burnt.. (i look like a brownie) and I'm still feeling a lil' boaty n' floaty here...
okok.. stupid things aside, I'm just blogging to tell you guys that I'm well and home.. I'll type more when I get the time over the next few weekends... which isn't very promising in terms of actually blogging about my trip coz I'm getting too hectic now..
I'm so thankful for that trip btw..
I feel so rejuvenated! =D
anyways, I'll blog again tmr night, if possible..
See you guys in a bit...
Taman Negara ROCKS!!!!!
*mega-grin*Toodles! ;)
me me me.....
okay, I seriously got VERY bored.
even though I
KNOW I should be fussing over microB right now..
I just finished packing! =)
so.. here are some pictures for your amusement....
hahahahaha... Let's see how much you can disfigure my face k?
but remember to post it up some where and tell me about it, leave a link to the post too... hee hee...
have fun while at it! (you can incorporate warts, pimples, painful acnes, scars, black eyes and dirty teeth and big noserails too if you feel like it)
Or maybe you can design something out from it.. haha.. Do something about the pictures.. hahahs.. (basically i'm too lazy to do anything about them, so i'm leaving it to my lovely readers' creativity to either beautify or destroy my face)

Okay, so here I go off now..
I'll see ya all in a bit then!!!
OH!!! so nice!
Okay, whilst my wonderful and LOVELY team mates are busy brainstormin' it out at starbucks over breakfast...
I'm sitting in the comfort of my stupid, ice-cold marble-tiled floors.. TYPING, while trying to finish packing...
I need an extra torchlight, batteries, bulbs, ugh....
heck, I need a pair of binoculous!
I finally got some sleep at 4am, when I couldn't think of what else to dump into my bag... Gary's helping me sort out and pack my bag again...
Oh, it's serene's bag, btw, not exactly mine.. haha...
Anyway, let me thing of something funny to type while cracking my head with gary to pack the bag..
um.. okay, unfortunately, I can't think of anything funny..
Coz i'm so pissed off with Terra for destroying my mat..
stupid feline.. grr... imma gonna spank yer bottom till you realise you're NOT ALLOWED to scratch ANY of je je's things! NAUGHTY CAT!!
Just finished breakfast.. waiting for my mom to check that I've got everything... :S so bored..
I should study for my microB... I can't help but feel abit upset that I can't bring my notes there... nevermind, at least mizael's gonna be there to 'discuss' microbiology with me over the next 5 days.. maybe we can branch into cell biology and organic chemistry!! haha...
we've decided to isolate ourselves from the other 18 travelmates of ours.. and talk molecular biotech more than anything else.. haha...
anyway..yeah, I'll miss you guys...
this entry is specially for charmaine.. just so that she can have some reading pleasures for the next 5 days.. (but same material a little boring right?) hahaha...
Don'cha worry, mei! da je will have lots and lots of pictures for ya to look at, and SO many things to tell you about when I get home, k? =) =) =)
and peisuan, my dear busy busy shan'er.. hahaha... (I can call you that right? i mean, you keep telling me how nice it'll be if your friends called ya that..) okay, My NASTY one -we all know i prefer that one best! ;)-
KNOW if I end up in the hospital due to tripping over my own foot and rolling down the stupid hill, it's entirely
YOUR fault that you were on my mind, and I'm thinking whether you're done with all the proposals and letters and studying and doing your cell bio reports or not...
*grins*oooh! can't wait!!!
=) =) =)
well... I'll blog when I get back home on wednesday afternoon!!
Mwah! don't have to miss me too badly, k? hahaha...too much egotism..
okok, it's okay to miss me, I'll be missing you guys too!
Argh, for goodness sake, it's just gonna be 5 days! ahaha.. if you don't miss me, all the better! =D
okok, time to go watch TeeeeVeeee!
Toodles! ;)
sheesh!!! 16 hours to go!!!
and i'm on the bus to the checkpoint and OFF TO MY FREEEEEDOM!!!!
so I'm feeling a MINUTELY resound of guilt for practically physically running away from my duties, my friends, my LIFE.
BUTTTTT then again, it's only for 5 days and 4 nights. NO BIG DEAL!!!
Char char... don't feel too bored k? hahah...
maybe next time I should set up a small interactive video blog for you guys..
and this portion of the blog goes into the website...
then at least no one will be bored. If they need an fugly face to see, at least you have a moving picture of me talking like an idiot to the camera and transmitting information to you guys.. hee hee...
and then the typed out blog..
plus maybe a few links to external sites with games.. or maybe I'll get gary to do up a game for me!!! hahahas..
just a simple one... to waste your time away..
So many plans for my website!! :D
I'm goin to TAMAN NEGARA!!!!!
whahahahhah!!! can't afford to be like all solemn and what not now.. not bothered to.. I'm gonna have FUN!!! breakaway from my life!!!
for 5 days and 4 nights.
OH! news flash! (or maybe not)
Terra actually LISTENS to me now! :D how cool is that? she runs over to me whenever I call her.. and she sleeps on the cupboard next to me! haha.. she is soooooooooo cute!!!
She likes looking at me like I'm worth looking at! (coz that's how i look at her)
OH man!! i havent packed my bag yet!! ahahaha..
so so screwed.. but I was doing my sisterly duties!! Cheering char char up!! =D
i'm sure she had other people to cheer her up too, but at least I tried..
hahaha.. but yea, I LOVE HAPPY TREE FRIENDS!!!! how gory can it get? hee hee..
and like what char told me, thank goodness it's all just a cartoon! violence... hahahaha.. they are one buncha violent but cute animals!! =) =) =)
okay okay... my mom is like NAGGING at me to get off the computer to get packing...
so I'll blog tomorrow when I wake up..!!
good night everyone!
A song...
This is a sentimental song I heard over the radio..
it's perfect 10's adopted charity for 2005.
The theme song is "Security" by Joss Stone.
While that song reaches out to the teenage preggers in singapore, this same song, I hope, will reach out to all of my friends and buddies going through a hard time now..
JOSS STONE :: SECURITYA loss that would have thrown
A hole through anybody's soul
And you were only human after all
So don't hold back the tears my dear
Release them so your eyes can clear
I know that you will rise again
But you gotta let them fall
I wish that I could snap my fingers
Erase the past but no
You cannot rewind reality
Once the tape's unrolled
If your spirit's broken and you can't bear the pain
I will help you put the pieces back
A little more each day
And if your heart is locked and you can't find the key
Lay your head upon my shoulder
I'll set you free
I'll be your security
A moment of despair
That forces you to say that life's unfair
It makes you scared of what tomorrow may bring
But don't go giving into fear
Stop hiding all alone in there
The show keeps going on and on
But you'll miss the whole damn thing
I wish I had a crystal ball to see what the future holds
But we don't know how the story ends till it's all been told
On any clock upon the wall
The time is always now
So baby kiss the past goodbye
Don't let the future blow your mind
Just sit back and chill
Take things as they come
You can't be afraid
To live for today
I will be with you each step of the way
Chorus (2x)
That goes out especially so for Char.. sis, I dunno what happened last night to make you change from your bubbly self to a reclusive person who didn't feel like talking at all..
I hope you feel better soon.. and if there's anything,
ANYTHING at all that you wanna talk to me about, I'll be there for ya okay?
But I'll only be back on wednesday, so yeah.. =S
Anyway, to my friends and buddies.. =)
I hope you guys cheer up soon too... peisuan, RELLLAAAAX k? I'll be back on wednesday, that's only 5 days to it.. so hang in there.. it's just 5 days.. =)
and yes, you can go back to publicities after I get back..
Char mei, cheer up k? da je will always be here.. =)
Sometimes, I feel so unplugged..
in a sense that someone trips over something which just unplugs me from the social circle that I have.
It's the weekend, so I can officially blog all I want (the other days were "illegal" blogging for me)...
I didn't feel like talking to ANY of my classmates today.
Maybe it's one of those life topics in my book that I'm closing and wrapping up with, with a crappy end to start up another topic and new chapters to look on with..
Or maybe it's just PMS..
whaaaatever it is, I had the perfect excuse to shut up and not talk to anyone during class. It was biochem lecture. no reasons needed. Mr Alvin, (who yihan looks like) is one heck of a schzoid.. he's paranoid about punctuality, and he's one heck of a nitty gritty guy who hates the least of murmurs.
I'm not exactly enjoying the fact that the guys are ganging up to create havoc during lectures, especially the specific 5 of them. bloody ruggards think they're so damn bloody great. We'll see who fails when the time comes...
I know I've bagged 7 A's on my cell biology reports, I'm confident to get a great big fat A on that 20% of reports. (albeit 20 %)
now, it's memorising microB while juggling SPSS project later in a while.
Sending in the stuff to arden by tonight.
When I get back from Taman Negara, I have tonnes to do...
I feel the strings that I have stretching thinner with every moment that is passing me by..It's not me to be this way, but it's been at least 2 years since I've felt this way.
It makes me know that I'm only human afterall I guess.. :)
My aspirations.. (yeah, the
tai-tai thing.. heh heh) still stay firmly etched in me like how it's always been for the past 16 years..
Oh right, I'm supposed to be solemn and stressed out and depressed at the moment..
(sheesh what a switch of moods)
Soooo, yeah.. feeling this unplugged is.. weird.
I'm switched off at the moment, relying on the hidden resources in me to do my work and boss people about for the important events.
Bossing people has always been my calling. There isn't any one year that I have never bossed anyone around to get things done. My secondary schoolmates can vouch for that..
Maybe my poly mates haven't seen that side of me, or they've just started to see my ugly side.. I hate to talk and I like to work. It's the main reason why I chose this track, just so that I can work in isolation, away from everyone else. A life of seclusion.
yeah, seclusion is good, that's why I become a hermit, shut up and want to be left alone for days on end, sometimes, weeks.. but never years, nah.. haha.. not that long...
Now that I'm alone and by myself, I want to blog a little more. =)
Today... not much is happening at the moment.
Doing up my part in the biostats project (it's like a tiny part of it), and memorising for microB.. (dunno what to study for virology)
and packing my bag up for taman negara...
Tomorrow, I have to be in school at 4.15pm.. mom wants me to bring along my mobile..
and digicam.. so that I won't be deprived from taking good macro shots.. she loves my macro shots even though she still thinks I'm stupid at it.. :P
and like a whole bloody lot more of stuff.. :S
I can't wait to get out of the country.
I admit, I feel bad for "throwing" everything at Peisuan and leaving her to do the manual stuff for me.. haha.. sorry dear.. alright, I will treat you to hawkercentre food. Chicken rice can right? or do you want 2 bowls of laksa at your home there behind? =)
but yeah, I did tell hweebin that I'll be out of the country about over a month ago.. she said okay..
I still have a thousand and one things to plan for the committee..
The proposition deal with Singtel and the Y for the 'pitch'.
okok.. I shan't bore you guys further with my boring life..
hahahs.. yes, boring but fun!
time ta go....
Toodles! ;)
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder...
Sometimes, I believe...
that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder..
In life, nothing's perfect.
But to me, everything is as perfect as it gets.
Nothing misses a beat, nothing is being missed out.
Everyone is being looked at, everything is going on as per say,
on the planned schedule of fate, on time.
Time waits for no man,
yet man waits for no one.
He has no mercy for those he works with.
Sometimes, if you meet a pathetic, sucess-driven boss..
who doesn't give you much of a break..
Well, that's just perfect.
It just gives you an opportunity to work harder!
Sometimes, when life throws you lemonades...
you find that the lemons aren't exactly sour or bitter enough..
that's just great!
It goes to show you're given a manufactured glass of lemonade, with carbonate and lots of sugar. Enjoy it. Not many get the sweet glass of sour juice.
What a thirst quencher!
Sometimes, when you find that your parents are trying to get themselves divorced...
be happy you're even going through such an experience.
See... it's only when life throws you durians and rambutans and jackfruits plus watermelons and pineapples...
that you realise the goodness and the pure essence of appreciating that one little aspect of life..
Maybe you don't really like it at first, but years after the incident..
when you're still alive, happy and still very much sane, that you realise how much of a person you've grown to be.. because of that one event in your life.
Life isn't always a fairy tale..
but if you learn how to appreciate it like I do..
you'll soon learn how to live life by the day. To live life like everyday's gonna be the second last day being alive.
You cherish everything much better than dying the next day.
You understand why people can be happy, even though they're so poor.
You understand why chubbier people are generally always smiling and feeling so happy.
You understand the pure essence of joy, the fun and love you can get without loving and being dependent on someone else.
And you start living your life like a fairy tale.
Your fairy tale.
Many times, I really do wonder..
what's it in for me...?
why do I meet people who tend to be so cynical,
to be so hateful,
to be so ungrateful,
to be so... annoying,
to be so... cliched?
why? why is it that I have to try out all sorts of peoples to be my personally close acquantances?
Life gets so hard whenever I think that way..
When all I do is ask "Why me?".....
But whenever I switch it around and ask myself, "what do I learn from meeting them?"
I make it a life's lesson learnt from it.
I have experienced and I have appreciated that minor aspect of life's lemons and durians..
And what of the good and better things in life?
it's just my good luck to have those things.
With them good things, I learn to appreciate them more.
The good friends who actually listen to what I have to say,
my good readers who read silently and continously,
the friends and people who put a smile on my face just by being themselves,
just for being there at the time when I feel like smiling, when I feel like laughing..
The good food my mom cooks,
the disgusting, yet delicious junk food of today's world..
My wonderful parents... =)
Things and the figures and the people who are in my life who make me smile, who make me happy...
all these things, they're bonuses in life, we can't expect such bonuses all the time...
and that's why I'm glad that I have reached the stage where I appreciate even the most stressful of jobs. (but appreciating it doesn't mean I can do it)
Well, I have sucessfully typed out a really good piece of wisdom tonight.
I hope all of you learn something from it..
The summary of all that junk up there?
- Appreciate, live and let live. Be happy with everything and anything that comes your way. Trust me, it could've been worse. ;)
- you run your life, you can have two choices in life at any one thing.
You either be happy with it, or be utterly sad at it.
You can either stay cheerful or be totally depressed about it.
- In times when you dont' appreciate or depreciate something.. it's okay.. you're on another learning journey.
- every moment in life is a lesson learnt, a journey made.
That said, I shall stop being a confusian.. =)
Good night! =P
I have no idea what to blog....
hee.. hello everyone...
I haven't got a clue as to what to blog..
only coz I have to FILTER whatever I type.. teasers are nice, but sometimes, I blurt out too much for my own good.. >__< haha
Anyway, I've been too busy lately.. (hence not blogging)
so to 'manda.. sorry my blog's being boring.. lol can't be helped larh...
starting to become like the other nanyangpolyians already.. so IT-un-savvy.. ;)
um.. soooooooo.. like... um..okay, i really haven't got any idea what to type out leeeeh..
I'm not a poem-crazy person like charmaine who's sooo in touch with english and can come up with all sorts of poems.. (well, i used to do that.. but not anymore.. too cheesey.. heehee)
blah blah blah.. hahas
um... sooooo... yeah..
OH.. debra, you KNOW you love me lah.. we alllll know you love me sooooo much enough to be such a great buddy to make me eat so much..
um... okay.. so like......
yeah.. let me think of what to blog arh...
My aspirations...I've always wanted only one thing and one thing only:
When I grow up, I want to become a tai-tai....so that I can plan big FUN (not those glamourous formal ones) charity fund-raiser gala dinners, host charity-based sports events.. and stuff like that.. so cooool!
I want to be a tai-tai...
so rich guys, are a MUST. haha.. it's better if he's a pilot.. OH! so cool! haha!
I dig pilots.. whah...
*drools*so, if you're like, a really rich guy, or assumingly handsome and can fly a plane (oh! so cool!
*drools*), come find me k? I want to be a tai-tai!!
but then again, what're the chances of me meeting up with rich guys and actually becoming their girlfriends and actually getting married to THE one mr rich-and-oh-so-loving-boyfriend-who-is-near-to-extinction-at-this-age???
um, that's like zero chances I guess... (or more like I lost that chance in any case)
okay, so my perfect aspiration has gone down the big wasted drain (yes, it's a drain, what? you want canal ah? oso can lah)..
so I can now sucessfully tell you guys that my perfect aspiration is all just another form of my poor skills at day-dreaming.
okay, so lame.. see, this is what happens when I've got a mindset to blog
ONLY on weekends: I have a brain mass of nothing and all i have are just jumbled up words that give you absolute nonsense that talks no sense at all.
how simply splendid, ain't it?
OH! today, before I went for my super-marathon meeting sessions (more like one meeting and fun-hour later)...
I did something really gross.... let me tell you what I did today. (pardon me, but I was hell bored)
PeiSuan and I were hanging out at McD's at PayaLebar post centre.. hee hee...
she bought unsalted fries (that were just out of the oil) so we shared them..
What i did to gross her out?
Basically, I let the fry's oil get soaked up by the McD's serviets (however you spell that, my spelling's just all gone down the big wasted drain too.. i mean, canal.. hah..) by squishing and squeezing and squashing the poor little lone fry.. (poor little thing indeed!) but like what the heck.. hahaa..
i had a dried up (but still rather oily) fry after I'd sucessfully flatten the little thing.
I wanted peisuan to take a picture of it, just so that I can post it up and show it to you guys, but she blatantly refused to do that.. (so it's just your luck I guess! hee..) maybe next time huh? =P
oh well..
Poor little fry.
and i did the same thing to the other 1/4 of the pack of fries too.. poor fries!
okok, getting stupid here..
ahhh.. you asked fer it, amanda.. ;)
hope it made ya laugh anyway! hee..
alrighty, i'm going off to finally plan for my trip.. 3 days left, make it 2.
i'm screwed.
Toodles! ;)
angeline, da geekbloggist!
The author is leaving this saturday, remember not to miss the author too much!
She's got a new website called:
The Geek Blog, where the geekster blogs and types and suchSince I have so much free time (and it's the only free time i have this whole week)
during my IT practical class....
I decided to break my weekend blogging and get on with the Announcements.. =)
so yeah...
char, i'm not sure how to fix that problem in your blog..
i'll look into it again when I gotta time, aights?
k, i'm outta here.. :D
angeline. ;)
Advertising for Raymond Huang...
A co-chair person of mine wanted some advertisement...
so he'll get a free one on my blog. hopefully this will reach out to one and all...
About the Series
McDonald’s – South West CDC Youth Inspiration Series will be taking place on Friday,
18 March 2005 from 3 - 5 pm at the McDonald’s @ West Coast Park. Our guest speaker, Mr Jim Lim, a veteran social worker with the Juvenile and Family Courts, will be addressing issues of juvenile delinquency by speaking on:
“Today’s Youths:
Leaders or Rebels Without a Cause?”
Benefits to students
• Designed to be a dynamic sharing session, youths will gain greater insights into juvenile delinquency by not only hearing about first-hand experiences from Mr Jim Lim, but be able to expand on their individual thoughts with other youths
• Students will be challenged to strategize ways of ameliorating juvenile delinquency and can even translate these thoughts into practical actions by being offered the chance to be involved in the planning and management of relevant projects
• All points discussed will be posted online at www.heartware.org. Youths can play a catalytic role by expanding on what they have learnt with other youths.
This inspiring session is FREE and only limited to
80 youths (first come first served basis) – or 5 potential youth leaders per school (McDonald’s refreshments will be served)
The series is also planned with a set of wider objectives in mind. Below are the objectives:
• To engage youths to think about issues affecting their lives and the community around them
• To instill the attitude that youths can make a difference by volunteering
• To inspire a spirit of dare and optimism, and create youth community champions
Our past speakers
• Dr Maliki Osman, Parliamentary Secretary of MCYS - Sept 2004
• Dr Amy Khor, Mayor of South West District - Nov 2004
• Dr Ong Seh Hong, MP for Aljunied GRC - Jan 2005
• Ms Eunice Olsen, NMP - Jan 2005
• Mr Martin Tan, Executive Director of Young Leaders Foundation - Feb 2005
For confirmation of attendance
Due to overwhelming response from previous talks, ALL PARTICIPANTS NEED TO email Carol at carol_ong@heartware-network.org or masliana at masliana@heartware-network.org to confirm your attendance.
okay last post for today...
I've been having that habit of posting too many times a day..
Anyway, come tomorrow, no more posting till um.. next friday night only.
saturday, I'll be gone. I wont be home till wednesday, 23rd March.. won't post till friday night, 25th March...
soooo... you guys, dont' miss me k?
I'm sure i won't miss you guys, (okay i will, i promise) but anyway, i'll be having a hell load of fun! =D
luv, peace, peaches and cream!
huggles, and snuggles (lol! clement, remember that one?)
and lots and lots of huffalump love!!!
Toodles! ;)
Sunday sampling of sanities...?
Hey everyone..
it's a sunday.
this post will be short.
I'll let you sample what's running in my head now, just so you know how incoherent I get sometimes:
work = reports = shit. = proposals = orientation = work = event = fundraising = 200K = oh shit. = oh, shit shit SHIT. = argh! = dammit = reports = school = taman negara = organic chem = work = reading books = exams = shit = work = oh, (!#^@($&(%. = no time = OH NO!!!!!! = antisocialism = hiatus = i'm gonna die, aren't i? = work = haemocytometer = cells = microscope = dilution factors = lisa cha = FCS = serum = cultivation = mammalian cells = oh shit. = work = shit = blog = bog = marcus = think blog, think shit. = har har. = oh no = work to do = scan pictures = haemocytometer = meiosis = mitosis = mr michael = orientation = SCL EXCO = albert = ms ang = SCL gathering = kelvin n gang = talk = sms = more time wasted = work? = haemocytometer! NOW.. = edit picture = blogging = sinful = food = just ate icecream = chocolate = max brenner's choc bar = shit = gotta work = money = maestro bistro = james = where's my MONEY? = oh jeez. = aseptic technics in mammalian cell culture = flash = IT for life science = web designing = shiao-yin = school of thought = youth action = hweebin = fundraising = 200K = oh no!!! ======= STOPPPPPPP!!!! >__< = hospital = aunt alice = hospital = career goal = work = reports = work = shit = ah, this is screwing me up!! = this is getting absolutely NO where.
um... so you can pretty much see how hectic it is in my head now...
I think I need a break from my head. can someone kill me now?
okay, so like whatever.
I hate techno.
oh shit. here i go again.. work work work!
haha.. i love to work? like shit...
haemocytometer. FCS. FCS is basically Foetal Calf Serum. The blood serum actually contains rich growth factors that allows and stimulate cell growth when doing mammalian cell cultures. ah shit.
I just gave out information for my summary of theory for cell bio.
if I see those few sentences in your reports, I knew you took it from me. har. har.
whatever. take la take lah.. like lisa cha will bother like that.
I want to go do my research projects with eunice.
zebrafish.. i'll be optimising microorganism growth for the little zebrafish eggs to florish and bloom into tiny fishes... bah.
easy job.
I'll optimise it within a month, if I have the time.
gotta go.
I'm so bloody in a daze. this is so incoherent.
busy shiat....
Hello all...
I don't know how long more I can take this..
but I have to go on till after June or July.. this youth event planning is f*cking havoc.
I have to raise $200K within the next month for HweeBin and gang, I have to plan for school freshmen orientation camp 2005, I have my exams next week onwards, I just don't feel like doing ANYTHING now. pffft.
This just sucks..
Char, sorry for getting you scolded by your instructor.. really sorry about that.. i won't disturb ya over the weekends next time.. yeah..
And to the rest of you, should I snap at you, just tolerate it, k? I'm just running low on patience already.
I'm already really busy now.. so, like go away, don't disturb me.. If it's like REALLY important, then give me a call. I won't be entertaining any smses for the next few days. If it's not important, then just piss off..I know I sound crude and rude here, but what the heck. I'm not gonna bother rephrasing those few words.
And please try NOT to make things difficult for me, aights?
I seriously can't wait to get OUT of here and to Taman Negara.
shit. I haven't packed. freaking hell. How I feel like cursing now... whatever.
ARGH! >__<
It's the weekend!!!
oh hell yea, mah lurvelay peeps!!!
I'm sooooo glad it's the weekend, FINALLY!
I get some time to relax... okay, not much.. =(
I have to go for an early morning meeting tomorrow, self-study session (if that's possible), jogging with allison..
and on sunday, i'm meeting up with junie to get his bag and stuff..
On top of that, I still have my homework and exams to study for.
omg, i'm so freaked out by all this shit...
That and other stuff too...
But this workload, I think I can handle.. hahas...
Let me see... what happened during this week..
I spent most of my time studying, doing my reports, avoiding people, avoiding my blog.. talking to classmates, cohortmates, lecturers, teachers...
I have a freaking blister on my leg. It's red, and raw and by god, it's painful..
I met Clarence (SEG) on Tuesday morning before lecture in the lift.. hahaa.. couldn't recognise him coz he had a cap on.. he was like "HEY!! angeline! hello!!"
It took me 20 seconds to realise it was him. hahaha..
Then I met... Anselm (SBM, i think) on the way up to the dance room next to the gym for my dance class.. again, didn't recognise him.. it's been such a long time since I met up with my CCA-mates already.. Fancy them recognising me, but I hardly recognise them.. sad.. haha.. so sorry guys!! i'm sure I'll recognise you fellas next time, k?
Umm, what else.. =S oh yeah, I chatted with Charmaine over the past couple of days.. haha.. that girl, never changes her hyperness.. hahahahaha.. she is INFECTIOUS i'm telling you.. ;) you better study hard ah, char.. don't wanna see you get so upset and disappointed all over again, aights? da je has faith in you that you'll do well! try to beat my score, okay?
Had a meeting with JunYang and HweeBin over dinner. JunYang brought his girlfriend along, who so happened to Hweebin's old classmate too! such a coincidence! :)
Well, I've gotta raise $300,000 for the event we're planning for. Still not sure whether it's gonna be a Night event, for a day event... Hoping it's a day event, then I won't have to do much planning at all... hahaha.. the sponsers would just come ROOOOOOLLING in like that..
But for the fact that we're most likely doing a night event (a bash more like it), it's gonna be hard.. lol... $300,000 isn't really easy to get when we have $0 for investment.
I bumped into Terrence on the train back to dhoby ghaut from CityHall just now.. so nice of him to walk me down all the way to NEL side till my train came (which was like 3 minutes) with a
LIMPING LEG.. bwhahahas.. he was sooooo limping.. poor doode.. but like, heh heh... kingkong... limping kingkong ah.. =P
Anyway.. yeah...
i'm so bloody bored now..
going to do my reports, then like, get some sleep...
butt early day starting tomorrow.. heh.. no break..sheesh..
okay, so like, I'll blog tomorrow if I get anytime..
Toodles! ;)
P.S.: 8 more days to Taman Negara!!

possibly the worse taken picture I've ever done, but I love the effects of it.
It is customary that all IJ girls should stay IJ-ish forever.
(or so my gang and i agrees)
It is customary that one should greet your elders as deem fit for respect.
It is customary never to stare at the person sitting directly in front of you.
It is customary to always keep in touch with people you enjoy talking to.
It is customary that... that..... that... oh crap.
I forgot what I wanted to type.
I know I shouldn't be blogging on a
THURSDAY night, but well, I crashed.
But I won't have time to blog for the next few days after this. Having being really busy studying for my biochemistry practical exam. and juggling a helloada other stuff.
Blinding flash of the ObviousAt least one death occurs during the month of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December!
*chuckles*I just wanna live. my life. yep.
Don't wanna get freaked out no more.
Freaked out.. freaked out.. yuck.
*shudders*argh, maybe it's just a phase. But I'm always and will always be freaked out.
*shudder*boogie talking with charmaine is totally fun. =) i like that.
Going crazy with PeiSuan absolutely rocks my world!
Talking crap with Allison is a way of life...
Being stupid is not customary. It's a fact. ;)
I wanna go dancing my woes away!
Singing my life onwards, and giggling foolishly as terra chases after an orange pingpong ball.
love my life?
kinda. miss my old lifestyle?
so totally. wanting back my previous life before this?
not much. regretting my decisions?
sometimes. not wanting to face the truth?
all the time. snapping out of such trances?
maybe. Perhaps?
Perhaps. :)
Toodles! ;)
YES!! hello all...
I finally found out
THE word.
It's spelt as hiatus.
And I have to stress again.
On my part on being an IT illiterate.. *sighs*
oh, this just sucks when I can't get this bloody blog to look the way I want it to be...
I'll just work on it during the holidays, when I do have more time..
I'm going on this weekday hiatus thingy..
which means, you'll get really short entries over the weekends.
sometimes, maybe not at all..
I wanna work hard to make mr Jay proud of me.
no matter how flamboyant he can be, really.
off to my la la world of studying again.
I wanna get good grades again. I miss the satisfaction of it.
bye peeps! see ya all around soon, leave me msgs by the tag.
Remember, it's at THE CAFE.
click on the words, and you'll see the tag board. =)
Much <3 to all mah peeps,
It's not hard to fall, when you float like a cannonball..
Heyoh my good folks!
okay, actually I had my entry all typed out and stuff...
but char's blog killed my browsers.. and there my entry went.. so this is my THIRD attempt at trying to type this out.. so sickening...
Let's see if I can actually remember what I typed..
Oh yeah.. that's right..
I slept at 3.30am last night... terrence had been nice enough to chat with me till about 3am.. till when my eyes bulged out when the computer's clock read 3.02am.. hahas... we talked about SO many things!! hahahs.... even though he's in ITE, he's a pretty cool guy I guess! =)
Oh yeah, bumped into Leon (year 3 senior) while queueing at the 72 queue line.. which reminds me of lionel. which reminds me that he had been asking whether the EXCO's gonna plan anything for the MB seniors.. =S
ummm... what else.. what else... okay, yeah, i gotta go study..
my mom finally knocked some sense to me..I have to act according to her words...
which means, I have to give genting a miss for now..
*sob*but that means I won't be coming online often too..
oh well..
it's a sacriface i'm willing to make..
so if anything... call me up aights?
i'm going on haitus.. hiatus.. oh, however you spell it..
so, it'll be at least a month before you hear from me again...
I'll miss you readers, but do come back in a few weeks to check out the blog for any sudden SHORT posts over the weekends! =)
toodles! ;)
it's called Chiong-ing your reports
Yep, hello there folks! =)
Today, I woke up to RAIN!! so cool!
At least it wasn't scorching hot like the other days.. and nights.
I shall never take so much as ice cream soda before I sleep next time..
had some dreams last night again.. freaky as they were, thank goodness they weren't scary dreams.. lol
Anyway, time to do all my reports!
okay, not all.. just biochem and organic chem..
then studying again...hopefully i can get something in...
gotta get si te to teach me org chem.. i'm such a dope at it.. hahas...
not sure if i have to work today or not..
clement didn't sms me about it..
I miss travelling on planes..
I love travelling on planes.. it's such a nice feeling.. the isolation up in the skies.. it leaves me with such calming effects..
Maybe I should make everything out that I do a way of venting, a therapeutic means of relaxing.. (studying is relaxing?? i'm getting weird) lol
we'll see..
Anyway, gotta go..
chiong-ing my reports...! =P
Toodles! ;)
exhaustion and more work to come...
I didn't have a moment's rest today..
all thanks to you busy customers. making me busy...
Why'd you all have to come down on SATURDAY?
can't you come on friday night?
when i'm not working?
bloody hell..
i'm so darn exhausted now.. I woke up at 8.20am today....
went to school to meet up with mizael for the taman negara trip briefing..
then had lunch with weisheng and si te... hahas.. they had to stay back in school to help ms ang out for the JPAE thingy..
I left for work after lunch.. and yeah.. it'd been near full house from 6.30pm to 9pm..
by 10om, it was full house all the way till i left at 11.05pm..actually, it's still fullhouse..
dinner was just KFC's sucky by delicious (for a hungry person) Shrooms burger meal.. I only had 5 minutes to eat.. but i stretched it to 10 minutes..
so it was so rushed, i nearly choked..
Anyway, amanda showed up today!! hahas.. so happy.. coz i was so bloody cheesed off by the customers again. James was being a prick again.. treating me like Em from previously.. whatever...
i'm quitting soon anyway.. lol
well, chatting with weisheng online now..
gonna chat abit more then i'm headed to bed..
i'm dead beat tired.
this just sucks absolutely....
Toodles! ;)
frustration comes and goes...
Just like all my friends..
A hypothesis I'd like to venture in, but I know it's useless doing that, since it's all an irregular occurance.
So much for being scientific.. I'm starting on the really lame stuff first, I guess...
I got back my results today.. didn't do well, I failed organic chem and microbio.. had B for IT for life sciences, D+ for cell bio and D for biochem..
I have to give A+++ type lab reports just go get my C for organic chem.
Perhaps I should start hating the teachers just so I'll study better! Oh well, it WAS just a thought... =S
Anyway, just for being frustrated last night, I lost 4 extra hours of sleep.. >__<
looking like a panda bear now.. hahaha... heh.. okok...
I shouldn't complain so much, weisheng had to stay up researching about his project.. today got presentation somemore.. poor guy.. haha...
I've decided to start anew again.. Gonna quit my job. it's too taxing on me.. and I didn't do well for my common tests. so much for mugging.. didn't mug well enough I guess... mom's gonna nag at me again tonight. and then she'll suggest I quit my job too..
I'm getting my paycheck in a few days time..! =D
First time getting a paycheck.. lol
I'm excited! really I am!!
It's a pity I'm gonna quit it even though I only work 7 days a month.. -_-||
and yeah.. lol
Anyway, my outings for the next 4 weeks.. 6 weeks, are cancelled.. as in the ones where i go out and PLAY and SLACK... yeah, those are cancelled.
For the meetings and studying sessions, it'll be on.. it's all cool now! I got weisheng as my study khaki!! that's like really cooooooolios, coz he gets A(D) for majority of his subjects.. :D
But studying with him can be abit more intensive and stressful sometimes.. coz he sits there and studies non-stop.. >__<
haha.. so i'm gonna study on my own first.. I guess...
Peisuan, you have to start studying on your own first too k? remember to read up yah...! don't so blur!
Mr Alvin is my inspiration now! He's a really nice guy, honest! He gave me study tips.. hahaha.. he told me since biochem has so much to read.. the best way to study it (as how he did it while he was a student like us) was to read an hour's worth of biochem daily.. that's equivalent to 2.5 lectures he says.. seeing as we're brought through the lectures previously, so it won't be tough to just run through and read, understand and memorise it..
His parting words were my all-time favourite!
"I'm so old.. if i can do it, so can you!"
hahaha... cool guy... to think that yihan looks like him.. >__< it was reasonable to talk to him.
OHHH!!! my mom just told me to go make
kway chap!!! so cooool!!!
I spent 40 minutes standing in front of the wok, perfecting the art of it!!! oh man... next time I shall make some for my besties and my sinister trio and my mates to try!!!
ok? ok!
anyway.. time for me to go study.. i'll start with biochem, since it's got the most to memorise!!
Bye guys!!!
Toodles! ;P
shopping.. again.
Okay, sooo....
like the days just pass me by so darn fast.. it's already week 12... 3 more weeks till end of school!
I've been feeling frustrated the WHOLE day. I have been thinking about whether I should like, keep my job or not..
i'm gonna get so busy the next few months.. don't even know if I have the time to study, let alone work! =S
this frustration is just gonna eat me up soon one of these days.. ah well, like whatever.. everyone gets it anyway.. lol.. people just wanna complain, so I just follow suit. (okay, more like I really gotta get it off me coz it's starting to eat up half of me already) So maybe I should just clam up my trap and shut up right?
yeah, thanks alot. like I needed your approval. freak off.
You can obviously tell I'm not in a very good mood.but yeah, whatever, right? pfft.
Anyway, I think I'm ready to move on to another chapter in my life.. I can finally put aside all that stupid crazy unhappy past behind me. And if I'm lucky enough (or unlucky, i don't know) I might just forget everything.. I just hate being ignored by the one I love and treated like I don't exsist (or at least feel that way). The feeling just sucks. And all the stuff he just does to hurt me in one way or another, it just annoys me to know that even after all that, I could still like (or even so much as love) him. I feel like a fool. seriously so much like a fool.
Maybe it's time I finally heed gillian's advice to forget about him and move on, huh?
What say you? *shrugs* I can't decide, but I'm just gonna forgive his annoying ways, forget about him and move on.
Maybe it'll work out somehow in the future, but not now, not today, not this year. Maybe it won't work out at all. Then it'll be better that way too.. I don't know for sure what's gonna happen from now to 10 years later.
I've lost all my directions in life,
every single bit of it.
I just couldn't find reasons to why I'm studying the course I'm doing today.
I can't find the reason why I want to help out in the planning committee for the youth workgroup.
I dont' know what I'm doing in school.
I don't know why I'm even in the EXCO for school faculty.
I have no clue what friends are for.
Are they there just for accompanying you just for companionship sake?
Are they there to make you feel demoralised?
to feel bad about your own self?
Are they there just to give you some reputation?
Are they there just to GET some reputation for themselves?
So much for feeling egotistical...
What are friends for?
When you're there for them, they're grateful only for those few minutes..
I try and I try,
to spread around the worthiness of a friend by being there for lots of them.
I'm sorry if I weren't there for you.
Maybe I was too busy with another friend. Maybe you never told me at all.
I'm only one person, I can't be there for you 24/7.
Then again, I have so many friends.
yet, where are they when I need them? Too pre-occupied with their own new problems.
That's alright, I tell myself.
It's really okay.
I can be on my own.
I shall amuse myself by myself. So I do that.
And what do I get?
Endless teasing. it's not like I like it.
Sometimes I enjoy it.
But sometimes, too much of teasing just has to stop.
Oh whatever.
I should get back to memorising my books. This entry just annoys and frustrates me to no end.
Sometimes I feel like burning this blog up.
Then again, it's electronic.
There's nothing I can do about electronic stuff.Like whatever.
I'm only praying this ridiculous day will just end sooner than I expect it to end.
I'm only praying that when I wake up tomorrow,
my goals in life will be renewed with new zest and drive.
I hate feeling this hopeless.
busted and feeling good...
yoh peeps!
=) weeeelll.. didn't feel like blogging after my computer crashed thanks to debra's lovely little blogspot..
I didn't have much of a mood to anyway. I'd be spewing too many obscene words for anyone's liking, including mine! Debra was majorly pissed off yesterday, to the extent she broke down crying and she got sooooo angry that she started using all sorts of vulgarities too..
My purpose on refraining from using profanity has been motivated to a stronger level!!! hahs...
School was... great today, surprisingly.. Because I'd been feeling really outta it the last couple of days.. What with how debra's 'friends' treating her in such hurtful ways.. =(
Peisuan and I were talking to Ms Eunice today...
she was asking me why I flunked my last semesteral exams so badly.. with only C's and D's and a big fat F while the rest of my class went home with A's and B's and C's.... So I just gave her a really summarised version of my life last semester...
"oh.. i had too many problems... family problems and such.. to handle.. so yeah.."
it was hard to talk about it.. but i tried.. I'm still not over gary's case of insanity...
Anyway, I went for this briefing thing..thinking I might be able to take up another job... but as I sat there thinking and pondering over the time schedule that I have, I soon concluded that I have
NO time for anything else. Not even when I quit my job.. I won't have anytime for anything anyway.. I'd just end up like slacking all over again.. maybe I should have a kaki for sports over the weekends... who wants to accompany me? =)
Well, after briefing, Peisuan and I went for early dinner... and ended up talking and we realised we couldn't get her a temporary pass into the sports facility building.. so I sneaked her in openly.. :P lol
Dance was really great!!! :D
it was sooo fun..! I like my dance teacher, she's really cool... 6pacs and all! >__<
i'm like sooo jealous.. so i'm gonna work out and get into that shape too! soon.. soon!! =P
Anyway, time I got off from the computer.. or at least from blogging...
sorry if I'm sounding too regular ( like all the other bloggists ), I just have no mood for blogging today...
sooooo... yeps..
Toodles! ;)